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タイトル: 男子不妊症における精漿中銅濃度 - 特にホルモン療法による影響について -
その他のタイトル: Copper concentration in seminal plasma of infertile men: influence of hormone therapy on copper concentration in seminal plasma
著者: 渡瀬, 秀樹  KAKEN_name
大田黒, 和生  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: WATASE, Hideki
キーワード: Copper concentration in seminal plasma
Hormone therapy
発行日: Nov-1988
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 34
号: 11
開始ページ: 1973
終了ページ: 1977
抄録: 特発性男子不妊症において前立腺機能を反映していると考えられる精漿中cholesterol値が高い症例は, 治療に反応するものと思われる.特発性男子不妊症30例ならびにホルモン治療を施行した10例の治療前後において, 1)精漿中銅濃度は精子濃度の減少とともに有意に低下し, ホルモン療法後有意に上昇した.2)精漿中cholesterol濃度は精子の減少とともに低下し, 高い症例では治療効果に期待が持たれる
The copper concentration in semen was measured in 30 subjects with male sterility and in 7 normal males and the relationship with the concentration of sperms was investigated. Copper concentration in semen was also measured before and after hormone therapy in the other 10 cases. The mean and standard deviation of seminal copper concentration in the normal males were 89.71 +/- 80.84 micrograms/dl. The mean and standard deviations by sperm frequency were 39.75 +/- 29.35 micrograms/dl for less than 45 x 10(6) sperms/ml, 31.93 +/- 38.20 micrograms/dl for less than 15 x 10(6) sperms/ml and 19.54 +/- 10.89 micrograms/dl for azoospermia. A significant decrease in seminal copper concentration was found with decrease in the concentration of sperms. The copper concentration in the hormone-treated group increased 3-32 times or 11 times on the average after treatment compared with the pre-treatment values. In the ten subjects, the mean and standard deviations were 18.30 +/- 10.49 micrograms/dl before treatment and 159.80 +/- 148.81 micrograms/dl after treatment representing a significant post-treatment increase in seminal copper concentration.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/119768
PubMed ID: 3242372
出現コレクション:Vol.34 No.11


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