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タイトル: 表在性膀胱腫瘍に対するOK432皮内投与の経験
その他のタイトル: An experience of OK-432 intradermal administration in superficial bladder tumors
著者: 辻橋, 宏典  KAKEN_name
秋山, 隆弘  KAKEN_name
栗田, 孝  KAKEN_name
井口, 正典  KAKEN_name
上島, 成也  KAKEN_name
片岡, 喜代徳  KAKEN_name
南方, 茂樹  KAKEN_name
北川, 道夫  KAKEN_name
三軒, 久義  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: TSUJIHASHI, Hironori
AKIYAMA, Takahiro
KURITA, Takashi
IGUCHI, Masanori
UEJIMA, Shigeya
KATAOKA, Kiyonori
SANGEN, Hisayoshi
キーワード: Bladder tumor
OK432 administration
発行日: Dec-1988
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 34
号: 12
開始ページ: 2111
終了ページ: 2114
抄録: 表在性膀胱腫瘍29例を対象として, 無作為試験によりOK432皮内投与を施行し, TUR後の再発抑制効果を検討した.OK432による再発抑制効果を認め, とくにgrade 1, 単発例で有効であった
A streptococcal preparation, OK432 was evaluated as the adjuvant immunotherapeutic agent for superficial bladder tumors. Twenty-nine cases were treated with complete transurethral resection and then randomized prospectively into two groups. One group had adjuvant therapy of OK432 intradermal administration and another group had no adjuvant therapy. OK432 administration significantly reduced the recurrence rates as compared to the control group. Although further studies were required for its full significance, in a short-term study, OK432 intradermal administration produced a beneficial effect in reducing the recurrence rates.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/119817
PubMed ID: 3239522
出現コレクション:Vol.34 No.12


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