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タイトル: 転移性腎腫瘍
その他のタイトル: Metastatic renal tumor
著者: 杉山, 高秀  KAKEN_name
辻橋, 宏典  KAKEN_name
松浦, 健  KAKEN_name
金子, 茂男  KAKEN_name
郡, 健二郎  KAKEN_name
秋山, 隆弘  KAKEN_name
栗田, 孝  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Sugiyama, Takahide
Tsujihashi, Hironori
Matsuura, Takeshi
Kaneko, Shigeo
Kohri, Kenjiro
Akiyama, Takahiro
Kurita, Takashi
キーワード: Adult
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/diagnosis/pathology/secondary
Esophageal Neoplasms
Kidney Neoplasms/diagnosis/pathology/secondary
Lung Neoplasms
発行日: Nov-1983
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 29
号: 11
開始ページ: 1499
終了ページ: 1505
抄録: Metastases of malignant tumor to the kidney are observed rather frequently at autopsy, but rarely found in living patients. Two cases of metastatic renal tumor were found at our clinic. One was a 35-year-old male with esophageal tumor. Five months after on operation for the esophageal tumor, he had asymptomatic macroscopic hematuria and had urological examinations at our clinic. X-ray and ultrasonographic examinations suggested a metastatic tumor in the left kidney. Left nephrectomy was performed. Pathohistological examination revealed a metastatic esophageal tumor in the kidney. Five months after the nephrectomy, right lumbago and macroscopic hematuria appeared. Metastatic right renal tumor was diagnosed with X-ray and ultrasonographic examination. Chemotherapy was conducted, but he died three months later. The other case was a 69-year-old male with left lung cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) who had left partial pneumonectomy . In the second year after the operation, he developed asymptomatic hematuria. After X-ray examinations and 67G -citrate scanning, a metastasis to the right kidney was diagnosed. No special treatment for the metastasis was given to the patient because of his failing condition. He died four months later. Metastatic renal tumors present a worse prognosis than primary renal cancer. This seems to be because the former progresses rapidly after its discovery. When a patient with a previous history of malignant tumors in any organ develops hematuria or lumbago, detailed examinations of the kidney should be performed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/120282
PubMed ID: 6677103
出現コレクション:Vol.29 No.11


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