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タイトル: Gentamicinの局所療法
その他のタイトル: The studies on the treatment of urinary tract or wound-fistula infections after the urological operations with local infusion of gentamicin
著者: 古沢, 太郎  KAKEN_name
藤村, 伸  KAKEN_name
大山, 朝弘  KAKEN_name
大江, 宏  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: FURUSAWA, Taro
OHYAMA, Chyoko
OHE, Hiroshi
キーワード: Adolescent
Gentamicins/administration & dosage
Infusions, Parenteral
Kidney Pelvis
Middle Aged
Postoperative Complications/drug therapy
Surgical Wound Infection/drug therapy
Urinary Bladder
Urinary Catheterization
Urinary Fistula
Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy
Urogenital System/surgery
発行日: Jun-1971
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 17
号: 6
開始ページ: 420
終了ページ: 428
抄録: We tried the local infusion therapy with gentamicin t o 31 patients (total sites : 37) with urinary tract or surgical wound infection, which developed after urological operation and failed to respond to many other antibiotics. 1. The infusion can be divided into three groups as follows : 1) In 16 cases, gentamicin was infused into the renal pel v is through nephrostomy catheter or retragrade ureteral catheter (splint catheter). 2) In 8 cases, gentamicin was infused int o the bladder through suprapubic cystostomy catheter or transurethral indwelling catheter. 3) In 13 cases, gentamicin was infused d i rectly or through drain into the wound fistula. 2. Gentamicin injectable, original solution or solution diluted to 3 or 4 times with sterile distilled water, was infused into the locals 1 or 2 times daily for more than 3 days. 3. Before the treatment with gentamicin, microorganisms such as Proteus or Pseudomonas were isolated from urine or purulent discharge. The topical treatments with gent a micin were all successful except one case (pyelonephritis) which improved later on by intramuscular administration. Though there were some patients with renal or hepatic impairment before the treatment with gentamicin, no adverse reaction was observed for a course of gentamicin therapy.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/121268
PubMed ID: 5105499
出現コレクション:Vol.17 No.6


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