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タイトル: 尿路性器結核の最近の動向 --2.尿路性器結核患者の臨床統計的観察
著者: 岡島, 英五郎  KAKEN_name
平松, 侃  KAKEN_name
本宮, 善恢  KAKEN_name
入矢, 一之  KAKEN_name
伊集院, 真澄  KAKEN_name
近藤, 徳也  KAKEN_name
平尾, 佳彦  KAKEN_name
松島, 進  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Okajima, Eigoro
Hiramatsu, Tadashi
Motomiya, Yoshinori
Iriya, Kazuyuki
Ijyuin, Masumi
Kondo, Tokuya
Hirao, Yoshihiko
Matsushima, Susumu
発行日: Feb-1973
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 19
号: 2
開始ページ: 139
終了ページ: 145
抄録: A clinico-statistical observation was performed on the cases with genito-urinary tuberculosis at the 17 urological clinics of university in Japan from 1961 to 1970. Following results were obtained. (1) Yearly trend of incidence of cases with genito-urinary tuberculosis showed decreases in the most of clinics during the reriod. However, trends for the last 5 years showed slight decrease or stagnation. (2) The rates of newly diagnosed outpatients with genito-urinary tuberculosis against all outpatients were in the range from 0.6 to 3.1% in the 11 urological clinics during the period for the last 5 years. The rates in the 10 of 11 clinics showed under 1. 5%. The rates of newly diagnosed outpatients for the last 5 years decreased remarkably as compared with the rate for the first 5 years. (3) Age distribution during the period for the last 5 years showed the highest incidence in the 4th decade at the 5 clinics, followed by in the 2nd decade at the 4 clinics and the 3rd decade at the 3 clinics. (4) The incidence of tuberculous family history was found in the range from 4.6 to 25. 3%. (5) The incidence of previous extra-urogenital tuberculosis by patients with genito-urinary tuberculosis was found in the range from 7.6 to 44.6%. (6) Tuberculous complications of the urinary tract by patients with renal tuberculosis were noted in the range from 2.3 to 43.4% as the ureteral stricture, from 2.3 to 71.4% as the bladder tuberculosis, from 0.5 to 8.5% as the tuberculous contracted bladder. Other tuberculous complications by patients with renal tuberculosis comprised genital tuberculosis (4.4-41. 9%), pulmonary tuberculosis (1. 3-20.8%), and other tuberculosis (0-10.5%).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/121488
出現コレクション:Vol.19 No.2


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