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タイトル: Rifampicinによる腎結核の治療成績
著者: 鈴木, 唯司  KAKEN_name
三国, 恒靖  KAKEN_name
青木, 敬治  KAKEN_name
楠美, 康夫  KAKEN_name
舟生, 富寿  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Suzuki, Tadashi
Mikuni, Tsuneyasu
Aoki, Keiji
Kusumi, Yasuo
Funyu, Tomihisa
発行日: Jul-1975
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 21
号: 7
開始ページ: 651
終了ページ: 660
抄録: We have used Rifampicin (RFP), PAS, and INH in combination for treatment of renal tuberculosis. To adult patients, 450 mg of RFP, 5 g of PAS, and 0.3 g of INH were given by oral route every day. Subjective symptoms were observed, the numbers of tubercle bacilli in urine were determined, and the urine analysis, biochemical examination of blood, examination of peripheral blood, and pyelography were carried out before and after the treatment for evaluation of effectiveness of the instituted therapy. In the evaluation special attention was paid to the pyelographic changes of the pelvis and calyx. The present paper summerizes the results in 16 cases treated for a short period of 6 months during which marked therapeutic effects were obtained. The results are as follows: 1) In the pyelographic observations, cease of destruction in the calyx and restoration of the wall occurred particularly distinctly during this period. No augmentation of cicatrial stenosis was observed in any cases. 2) Subjective symptoms such as miction pain and frequent urination were relieved gradually within 2 to 4 weeks. 3) As for urine, albuminuria, pyuria, and hematuria became negative by the end of 6 months' treatment. 4) Tubercle bacilli in urine became negative within a month in 12 and within 6 months in 2 out of 14 cases. 5) No side effects occurred. Only slight and temporary changes occurred in GOT, GPT, and number of thrombocytes in a few cases. 6) These findings suggest that RPF is an effective drug in a long term treatment for urinary tuberculosis.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/121847
出現コレクション:Vol.21 No.7


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