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タイトル: 前立腺癌に対するPeplomycinの臨床効果
著者: 久住, 治男  KAKEN_name
黒田, 恭一  KAKEN_name
塚原, 健治  KAKEN_name
宮崎, 公臣  KAKEN_name
打林, 忠雄  KAKEN_name
小坂, 哲志  KAKEN_name
田谷, 正  KAKEN_name
亀田, 健一  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Hisazumi, Haruo
Kuroda, Kyoichi
Tsukahara, Kenji
Miyazaki, Kimiomi
Uchibayahsi, Tadao
Kosaka, Satoshi
Taya, Tadashi
Kameda, Kenichi
発行日: Sep-1981
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 27
号: 9
開始ページ: 1125
終了ページ: 1132
抄録: Peplomycin, a derivative of bleomycin, was used in the treatment of 8 patients with stage D, 2 patients with stage C and one patient with stage B prostatic carcinoma. Newly-diagnosed 4 patients received peplomycin from the outset and other 7 patients had previously received anti-androgenic therapy for 4 months to 10 years. Based on the results of a response study using acid-phosphatase level, prostatic biopsy, urethrocystography and rectal palpation, there was no objective response in all of 4 patients given a total dose of 100 mg of peplomycin. Objective responses were elicited in 5 of 6 patients given a total dose of 165 to 200 mg of peplomycin. However, the response was gentle and not so beneficial because of anorexia, which was one of the severe adverse reactions caused by peplomycin and more or less correlated to the cause of death in 2 of the 6 patients averaging 78 years of age. To relieve the adverse reaction and enrich the beneficial effect, peplomycin was suggested to use in combination with other anticancer treatments including irradiation, hyperthermia and/or anticancer drugs.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/122958
出現コレクション:Vol.27 No.9


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