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タイトル: Abstracts of Papers Published in 1966
発行日: 30-Mar-1967
出版者: Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
誌名: Bulletin of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute
巻: 16
号: 4
開始ページ: 15
終了ページ: 147
目次: An Outline of the History and Activites of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute /[1-13]
On the Blast Fence with Expanded Metal / Hatsuo ISHIZAKI, Yasushi MITSUTA, Junji KATSURA [15-15]
Observational Study of Turbulent Structure of High Winds, Part 1 / Hatsuo ISHIZAKI, Yasushi MITSUTA [16-16]
A Response Problem on the Oscillating Circular Cylinder in the Wind Flow / Hatsuo ISHIZAKI, Sumio KAWAMURA [17-17]
Wind Tunnel Experiments for a Suspended Roof / Hatsuo ISHIZAKI, Inwhan SUNG, Tatsuya KUMATORI [18-18]
Some Results of Wind Observations on Kyoto Tower / Yasushi MITSUTA [19-19]
On the Standard Project Typhoon (2) / Yasushi MITSUTA [20-20]
Sonic Anemometer-Thermometer for General Use / Yasushi MITSUTA [21-21]
Experimental Study of Elasto-Plastic Stability of Steel Portal Frames with Wide-Flange Sections under Vertical and Horizontal Loads (Part 1) / Minoru WAKABAYASHI, Chiaki MATSUI [22-22]
An Experimental Study on the Restoring-Force Characteristics of Tall Frames / Minoru WAKABAYASHI, Tatsuo MUROTA [23-23]
Experimental Studies on the Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Steel Portal Frames with Wide Frange Section Under Repeated Horizontal Loading / Minoru WAKABAYASHI, Bunzo TSUJI [24-24]
Experimental Study on Buckling Behavior of Angles / Minoru WAKABAYASHI, Taijiro NONAKA [25-25]
Slope-Deflection Method Applied to the Problem of Space Buckling in Frames of Thin-Walled Cross-Section-Part 1, Derivation of the Slope-Deflection Equations / Minoru WAKABAYASHI, Taijiro NONAKA [26-26]
Effects of Warping, etc. on the Buckling Strength of Space Frame of Thin-Walled Open Cross-Section with Single Symmetry / Minoru WAKABAYASH, Taijiro NONAKA, Masao WATANABE [27-27]
Studies on Granular Explosives (Third Report) On the AN-FO Blasting Agents (3) / Yoshikazu WAKAZONO [28-28]
Studies in the Application of Explosion (Part 1) On its Application to Measuring the Properties of the Ground / Yoshikazu WAKAZONO, Shigetaka KITAO [29-29]
Studies on Explosion II On the Measurement of the Dynamic Pressure Caused by Explosion of Powders / Yoshikazu WAKAZONO, Shigetaka KITAO [30-30]
Studies on Fire Extinguishing Agents (3) Methods for Quick Wetting and Minute Water Spray / Yoshikazu WAKAZONO, Naojiro ANDO [31-31]
Earthquake Response Analysis and Anti-Seismic Design Data of Multi-storey, Elasto-Plastic Building Structure / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE, Toshiharu HISATOKU [32-32]
Earthquake Response of Frame Structure Having Elasto-Plastic Joints / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Tamotsu SUZUKI [33-33]
Dynamical Characteristics of Structures on an Elastic Ground / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Tamotsu SUZUKI [34-34]
Statistical Methods of Determining Dynamic Characteristics of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI [35-35]
Vibration tests on a Steel Frame Structure / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI, Masahiro KAWANO [36-36]
On the Statistical Method of Determination of the Linear Transfer Function of Structures / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yoshihoiro TAKEUCHI, Masahiro KAWANO [37-37]
Torsional Response of a Frame-Structure to Random Excitations / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI, Koichiro ASANO [38-38]
Response Analysis of a Frame Structure with Elasto-Plastic Joints -Considering Axial Forces of Frame Members- / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Teizo FUJIWARA [39-39]
Dynamical Characteristics of Structures on an Elastic Ground / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Tamotsu SUZUKI, Kaoru KUSAKABE [40-40]
A Study for the Application of Basic Aseismic Design Data / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Toshiharu HISATOKU [41-41]
Observation of Matsushiro Earthquakes (I) Nature of Earthquake Motions (II) Dynamic Characteristics of a Reinforced Concrete Building / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE, Teruo KAMADA, Yuichi NAGAI [42-42]
Ground Compliance of a Rectangular Foundation on an Elastic Ground (Torsion about a Vertical Axis) / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Tamotsu SUZUKI, Kaoru KUSAKABE [43-43]
Non-stationary Response of a Linear Discrete System to Quasi-Stationary Random Excitations / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI [44-44]
Random Response of the Elasto-Plastic Structure Taking Account of Its Torsional Vibration / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI, Koichiro ASANO [45-45]
On the Statistical Method of Determining Dynamic Characteristics of Multi-Degree-of-freedom Systems / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI, Masahiro KAWANO [46-46]
Earthquake Response Analysis of an Actual Multi-Storey Elasto-Plastic Building Structure / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Toshiharu HISATOKU [47-47]
Earthquake Response of a Frame Structure with Elasto-Plastic Joints -Considering Axial Forces of Frame Members- / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Teizo FUJIWARA [48-48]
Dynamical Ground Compliance of Rectangular Foundation on an Elastic Stratum / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Tamotsu SUZUKI [49-49]
The Effect of Ground Compliance on Earthquake Response of Elasto-Plastic Structure / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE, Teruo KAMADA [50-50]
Dynamical Characteristics of Structure of Rectangular Foundation / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Tamotsu SUZUKI, Kaoru KUSAKABE [51-51]
On Response Characteristics of a Two-Storey, Reinforced Concrete Building to Matsushiro Earthquakes / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI, Teruo KAMADA [52-52]
On Anti-Seismic Test of Structure / Takuji KOBORI [53-53]
On the Observation of the Earthquake Response of a Reinforced Concrete Building and Its Neighbouring Ground, Part 1 and Part 2 / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI, Teruo KAMADA [54-54]
Optimum Design of Building Structures for Earthquake Excitations (Part1) / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE, Toshiharu HISATOKU [55-55]
Optimum Design of Building Structures for Earthquake Excitations (Part 2) / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE, Toshiharu HISATOKU [56-56]
On the Horizontal Resistance of Wing-Walled Caissons / Hisao GOTO, Kyoji (JNR) NISHIKAWA, Takashi AKIYOSHI, Hajime EGUCHI [57-57]
On the Earthquake Response of Bridge Piers on Pile Foundations / Hisao GOTO, Hiroyuki KAMEDA [58-58]
Generation of Artificial Earthquakes on a Digital Computer for the Aseismic Design of Structures / Hisao GOTO, Kenzo TOKI, Takashi AKIYOSHI [59-59]
Mechanical Characters of Mudstone / Sakuro MURAYAMA, Norio YAGI [60-60]
Swelling of mudstone due to sucking of water / Sakuro MURAYAMA, Norio YAGI [61-61]
Some Problems on Ground Exploration / Soji YOSHIKAWA, Michiyasu SHIMA, Noritoshi GOTO [62-62]
Vibrational Characteristics of the Ground from the Observation of Natural Earthquakes and with the Use of an Oscillator / Soji OSHIKAWA, Michiyasu SHIMA, Kojiro IRIKURA [63-63]
Reflection of SH Waves on Unsettled Ground / Noritoshi GOTO [64-64]
Internal Constitution of the Earth / Haruo MIKI [65-65]
The Volcanic Crustal Deformation / Keizo YOSHIKAWA [66-66]
Seismic Observation at Volcano Sakurajima (5) / Keizo YOSHIKAWA, Kiyoshi NISHI [67-67]
On the Observations of the Long Period Oscillations of the Earth by Means of Extensometers and a Water-tube tiltmeter / Izuo OZAWA, Tsuneo ETO [68-68]
A Recording Water Tube Tiltmeter / Tsuneo ETO [69-69]
Volcanic Crustal Deformations (II) -On the Anomalous Tilting Movements Accompanying the Explosions of Volcano Sakura-jima- / Tsuneo ETO [70-70]
High Sensitive Seismometric Observation Near the Crater of Volcano Sakurajima (Part 1) -On the Initial Motion of B Type Volcanic Micro-earthquake- / Kiyoshi NISHI [71-71]
Volcanic Earthquake / Akira KUBOTERA [72-72]
A Gravity Survey on Aso Caldera Kyushu District Japan (I) / Akira KUBOTERA, Norihiko SUMITOMO [73-73]
Volcanic Micro-Earthquakes at Mt. Aso (I) / Shigetomo KIKUCHI, Mikio SAKO [74-74]
On the Mechanism of Earthquake Swarm at Hamasaka / Yoshimichi KISHIMOTO, Michio HASHIZUME [75-75]
Investigation of Microearthquakes in Kinki District -Seismicity and mechanism of their occurrence- / Michio HASHIZUME, Kazuo OIKE, Yoshimichi KISHIMOTO [76-76]
A Study on Crustal Structure in Japan by the Use of Seismic and Gravity Data / Takeshi MIKUMO [77-77]
On the Peculiar Mode of Crustal Movements Accompanied with the Activities of Shallow Earthquakes / Tokio ICHINOHE, Yutaka TANAKA [78-78]
Observations of the Ground Tilt with Highly Sensitive Tiltmeters of Double Horizontal Pendulum Type (Part I) / Yutaka TANAKA, Masaaki KATO [79-79]
On the Earth Tides Observed on the Asian Continent and in the Pacific Area / Ichiro NAKAGAWA [80-80]
Free Oscillations of the Earth Observed by a Galitzin Seismograph at Abuyama, Japan / Ichiro NAKAGAWA, Hiromu NODA, Asahi HATTORI [81-81]
Spectral Structure of the Earth Tides and Related Phenomena -Gravimetric Record- / Ichiro NAKAGAWA, Takeshi MIKUMO, Torao TANAKA [82-82]
An Application of Digital Filtering to the Record of Ground Deformation / Torao TANAKA, Takeshi MIKUMO [83-83]
Study on the Relation between Local Earthquakes and Minute Ground Deformation. Part 2. An Application of the Digital Filtering to the Tiltgram for the Detection of the Minute Anomalous Tilting of the Ground / Torao TANAKA [84-84]
On the Extensometer of a Variable Capacitor Type / Torao TANAKA [85-85]
The Processing of Seismic Data Using an Analog-Digital Converter / Tamotsu FURUZAWA [86-86]
Movement Mechanism of the Gotenyama Landslide / Shinichi YAMAGUCHI, Yuji TAKADA, Atsuo TAKEUCHI [87-87]
Some Characteristics of the Mikage Landslide Area / Shinichi YAMAGUCHI, Yuji TAKADA, Atsuo TAKEUCHI, Akimichi NAKURA [88-88]
Some Effects of Estuarine Topography on Salinity Distribution / Setsuo OKUDA, Seiichi KANARI [89-89]
On the Rheological Behavior of Frozen Soil / Yoshiaki FUKUO [90-90]
A New Method for Tracing Ground Water Flow with Low Head Gradient / Kazuo OKUNISHI, Setsuo OKUDA [91-91]
An Experimental Study on Slope Failure (1) / Kazuo OKUNISHI [92-92]
Dispersion and Adsorption of Tracer Material in Tracing Ground Water Flow / Kazuo OKUNISHI [93-93]
Exploratory Study of a Photoelectric Sediment Meter and its Applications to Deposits Surveys in Amagase Resevoir (I) / Seiichi KANARI, Setsuo OKUDA [94-94]
Underwater Acoustic Telemetry for Oceanographical and Limnological Research (Part I) / Seiichi KANARI [95-95]
Underwater Acoustic Telemetry for Oceanographical and Limnological Research (Part II) / Seiichi KANARI [96-96]
On the Significance of the Crustal Movements in the History of Lake Biwa-ko, an Ancient Lake in Japan / Shoji HORIE [97-97]
Synthesis of Magnesian Calcite at Low Temperatures and Pressures / Yasushi KITANO, Nobuko KANAMORI [98-98]
Salt Error for the Colorimetric Determination of Molybdate-reactive Silica (Soluble Silica) / Kikuo KATO, Yasushi KITANO [99-99]
Spectrophotometric Determination of a Small Amount of Magnesium in Natural Waters and Carbonate Sediments / Nobuko KANAMORI, Yasushi KITANO [100-100]
Analysis of a well-developed Cold Vortex over the South-Western Part of Japan / Chotaro NAKAJIMA [101-101]
On the Rainfall over the Daido River Basin (1) / Chotaro NAKAJIMA, Yukio GOCHO [102-102]
On Tidal Currents off the Eastern Harima Coast (Toban Coast) / Haruo HIGUCHI, Shigehisa NAKAMURA [103-103]
Hydraulic Model Experiment on the Diffusion Due to Tidal Currents / Haruo HIGUCHI, Takashige SUGIMOTO [104-104]
On the Similitude at the Opening of a Breakwater in a Hydraulic Model Experiment involving Tidal Current / Haruo HIGUCHI [105-105]
On the Transport and Distribution of Giant Sea-Salt Particles over Land (1) Theoretical Model / Masaaki TANAKA [106-106]
Turbulence Measurements in a River Flow / Yasuo ISHIHARA, Shoitiro YOKOSI [107-107]
Recent Flood Problems in Japan / Tojiro ISHIHARA [108-108]
Flow Behaviour at the Sudden Expansion of open Channels / Tojiro ISHIHARA, Toshiyuki SHIKATA [109-109]
Experimental Study on the Vertical Infiltration of Rain-Water / Yasuo ISHIHARA, Fusetsu TAKAGI, Yoji BABA [110-110]
Geomorphology of Drainage Basins Effecting Flood Runoff / Masashi NAGAO [111-111]
A Study on the Recession Characteristics of Ground water Run-off / Fusetsu TAKAGI [112-112]
Studies on the Geomorphological Character of the Gamata River Basin (1) / Katsumasa YANO, Yoshito TSUCHIYA, Takenobu OKUMURA [113-113]
On a Fall-velocity-frequency Analysis of Sediments with a Differential Pressure Gage / Yoshito TSUCHIYA, Takenobu OKUMURA [114-114]
An Experimental Study on the Critical Tractive Force for Gravel in a Mud Stream / Atsuyuki DAIDO [115-115]
On the Flood Propagation through a Backwater Reach (2) / Kazuo ASHIDA, Tamotsu TAKAHASHI [116-116]
An Experimental Study on Sand Waves (2) -The influence of a side wall on sand wave formation- / Kazuo ASHIDA, Yuichiro TANAKA [117-117]
Study on the Hydraulic Behaviour of Dunes (Meander) in Channels / Kazuo ASHIDA, Yasukuni SHIOMI [118-118]
Internal Structure of Flow through Curved Open Channels (II) / Yoshio MURAMOTO [119-119]
Analysis of Groundwater Flow in a Small Mountain-Stream (1st report) / Mutsumi KADOYA [120-120]
Runoff Analysis in Paddy Field District / Eiji TOYOKUNI, Mutsumi KADOYA [121-121]
Inundation Characteristics in Low-lying Basin of Lower Reaches of Yamashina River -Study on Exclusion from Flooding Trouble in Low-lying Basin of Lower Reaches of Yamashina River (2) - / Eiji TOYOKUNI, Mutsumi KADOYA [122-122]
A theoretical Analysis of Unconfined Groundwater Flow in Kofu Basin / Gyozo OHASHI [123-123]
Studies on Cnoidal Waves (Third Report) -Experiments on the Wave Profile, Wave Velocity and Wave Length- / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Masahiko HOSOMI [124-124]
Studies on the Effect of Wind on Wave Overtopping on Seawalls (Second Report) / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Masao INOUE, Koichi OHORI [125-125]
Some Experiments on Cnoidal Waves / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Masahiko HOSOMI [126-126]
On the Effect of Wind on Wave Overtopping on Vertical Seawalls / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Yoshito TSUCHIYA, Masao INOUE [127-127]
Studies on the Mechanism of Wave Damping Due to Bottom Friction -In the case of Laminar Boundary Layer- / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Yoshito TSUCHIYA, Masayuki SAKAI, Huoxiong CHEN [128-128]
Experimental Study on the Mechanism of Wave Run-up on Sloping Structures / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Masao INOUE, Koichi OHORI [129-129]
On the Bottom Friction Factors of Some Japanese Coasts (2) / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Tadao KAKINUMA [130-130]
Analysis of Ocean Waves by a Spectrum Analyzer / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Haruo HIGUCHI, Tadao KAKINUMA, Hiroshi MIYAI [131-131]
On Wave Observations at Nishikinohama Coast / Haruo HIGUCHI, Tadao KAKINUMA [132-132]
Model Experiments on Sand Drift at Gumizaki Fishery Harbor (Part I) / Hideaki NODA [133-133]
Study on the Initial Movement of Sediment Particles Due to Wave Action / Hideaki NODA [134-134]
On Some Properties of Sediments at Takahama Coast / Hideaki NODA, Teruo SHIBANO [135-135]
Courant de Maree et Toubilion dans la Region Cotiere / Shigehisa NAKAMURA [136-136]
A Note on Tidal Vorticity / Shigehisa NAKAMURA [137-137]
Tsunami et Houle au Voisinage des Bouches D'un Fleuve / Shigehisa NAKAMURA [138-138]
On Shirahama Oceanagraphic Tower Station and Some Interesting Records / Shoitiro HAYAMI, Hideaki KUNISHI, Katsuya NISHI [139-139]
On the Behavior of Water Temperature Observed at Shirahama Oceanographic Tower Station / Hideaki KUNISHI, Katsuya NISHI, Yuki YUSA [140-140]
On the Growth of Wind Waves (High-Speed Wind Flume Experiment) / Hideaki KUNISHI, Norihisa IMASATO [141-141]
Study of Waves at Shirahama Oceanographic Tower Station (I) -On the Waves Caused by Typhoon 6420 (WILDA)- / Hideaki KUNISHI, Katsuya NISHI, Norihisa IMASATO [142-142]
Studies on the Hydraulic Design of Lateral Diversion Structures / Hiroji NAKAGAWA, Tadashi UTAMI [143-143]
Observations of Turbulence in Sosui Canal / Shoitiro YOKOSI [144-144]
Meaning and Reliability of the Vane Shear Strength of Clays / Toru SHIBATA [145-145]
Response Characteristics of Saturated Clay to Impact Loading / Koichi AKAI, Yukio YAMAUCHI, Mineo TOKUDA [146-146]
Study on the Quasi-One-Dimensional, Non-Steady Seepage Flow through Soil / Koichi AKAI, Takao UNO [147-147]
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/124728
出現コレクション:Vol.16 Pt.4


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