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タイトル: Abstracts of Papers Published in 1971
発行日: 30-Aug-1972
出版者: Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
誌名: Bulletin of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute
巻: 21
号: 5
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 43
目次: An Analysis of Past Earthquakes in the Kansai District and Related Problems / Soji YOSHIKAWA [1-1]
Measurement of Physical Constants of Shirasu (Whitish Grey Welded Tuff) Ground / Eizaburo YOSHIZUMI, Soji YOSHIKAWA, Chugoro SATOH, Takemi SHIBUYA [2-2]
Determination of Grouting Effectiveness in the Rock Foundation of a Dam / Eizaburo YOSHIZUMI, Soji YOSHIKAWA, Tsuyoshi SUGANO, Chugoro SATOH, Takemi SHIBUYA [3-3]
Source Process of Deep and Intermediate Earthquakes as Inferred from Long-Period P and S Waveforms. 2. Deep-focus and Intermediate-depth Earthquakes around Japan / Takeshi MIKUMO [4-4]
Inferences of a Layered Structure from S Wave Spectra. Part 1. Theoretical Considerations of S Wave Spectrum Method / Tuneto KURITA, Takeshi MIKUMO [5-5]
Inferences of a Layered Structure from S Wave Spectra. Part 3. SH and SV Wave and Some Related Problems / Takeshi MIKUMO, Tuneto KURITA [6-6]
On the Nature of the Occurrence of Intermediate and Deep Earthquakes. 2. Spatial and Temporal Clustering / Kazuo OIKE [7-7]
On the Nature of the Occurrence of Intermediate and Deep Earthquakes. 3. Focal Mechanisms of Multiplets / Kazuo OIKE [8-8]
Distribution of Earthquake Generating Sgtresses Obatined by Smoothing the First Motion Patterns / Kazuo OIKE [9-9]
Distribution of Stresses and Dynamic Displacements Around a Fault / Kazuo OIKE [10-10]
The Observation of Microtremors Correlated with the Existence of Cracks at the Landslide Area / Tatsuhiko WADA, Kosuke KAMO, Tamotsu FURUZAWA, Kensuke ONOUE [11-11]
Elastic-Plastic Behavior of Steel-Reinforced Concrete Members / Minoru WAKABAYASHI, Takeshi YAMAGUCHI [12-12]
Analysis of Lateral Buckling Strength of Trusses by Energy Method / Minoru WAKABAYASHI, Fumiko NISHIMURA [13-13]
Vibrational Characteristics of a Coupled Rigid Bodies System on an Elastic Ground / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Kaoru KUSAKABE [14-14]
Vibrational Characteristics of a Full-Scale Stell-Frame Test Structure / Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Teruo KAMADA [15-15]
Large Plastic Deformation of a Structure due to Impact - An Experimental Study on a Two-Storied Framesubjected to Ground Shock - / Minoru WAKABAYASHI, Taijiro NONAKA, Michio SHIBATA, Nobuyoshi TAKAGI [16-16]
Liquefaction Process of Sand during Cyclic Loading / Toru SHIBATA, Hiroshi YUKITOMO, Manabu MIYOSHI [17-17]
Experimental Study on the Horizontal Restoring Force Acting on the Substructure in Dry Sand Layer / Hisao GOTO, Susumu YOSHIHARA, Masaru KITAURA [18-18]
Storm Frequencies and Wind Load Problems / Hatsuo ISHIZAKI [19-19]
Deformations and Vibrations of Some Actual Structures due to Wind / Tatsuo MUROTA, Hatsuo ISHIZAKI [20-20]
A Wind Tunnel Model Experiment of Wind Loading on Curved Roofs / Hatsuo ISHIZAKI, Yuzo YOSHIKAWA [21-21]
Influence of Adjacent Buildings to Wind / Hatsuo ISHIZAKI, In Whan SUNG [22-22]
A Case Study of Wind over a Hilly Terrain / Yukihiro MORI, Kenji MIYATA, Yasushi MITSUTA [23-23]
Characteristics of Airflow over the Barriers in the Storm / Yasushi MITSUTA [24-24]
The Mechanism of Shearitig and Its Similarity for Sands and Clays / Sakuro MURAYAMA, Hajime MATSUOKA [25-25]
Fractured Zone Type Landslide and Electrical Resistivity Survey (1) - On the Usefulness of the Electrical Resistivity Survey at the Fractured Zone Type Landslide Areas- / Atsuo TAKEUCHI [26-26]
Fractured Zone Type Landslide and Electrical Resistivity Survey (2) - Information Obtained from Electrical Resistivity Survey - / Atsuo TAKEUCHI [27-27]
Underground Temperature Survey in and around the Landslide Area (1) - A New Investigation Method of Underground Water - / Atsuo TAKEUCHI [28-28]
Synthetic Observation on Rock Mudflow / Setsuo OKUDA, Hiroshi SUWA, Koji YOKOYAMA, Hisashi EDAGAWA [29-29]
Predicting the Effect of Urbanization of a Hill Area on Flood Run off / Mutsumi KADOYA, Taro OKA, Yoshio HAYASE [30-30]
Experimental Studies on Water Particle Velocities Induced by Waves Using an Acoustic Current Meter / Yoshito TSUCHIYA, Masataka YAMAGUCHI [31-31]
On the Characteristics of Saltation of Sand Grains / Yoshito TSUCHIYA, Yoshiaki KAWATA [32-32]
Effect of River Discharges upon Transformation of Tsunamis in Kochi Harbour Model / Shigehisa NAKAMURA [33-33]
Experimental Study on Wave Overtopping of Obliquely Incident Waves on Vertical Seawalls / Masao INOUE, Yoshito TSUCHIYA [34-34]
Horizontal Water Particle Velocity of Finite Amplitude Waves / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Tetsuo SAKAI [35-35]
A Study on Nonlinear Interactions of Waves in Experiments of Wave Reflection / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Akira KIMURA [36-36]
On the Vertical Distribution of Water Particle Velocity Induced by Waves on a Beach / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Tetsuo SAKAI, Takeshi KAWASHIMA [37-37]
On the Finite Amplitude Long Waves on Uniform Slope Beach / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Tetsuo SAKAI [38-38]
Harbor Oscillations Induced by Composite Waves in Rectangular Basins / Yuichi IWAGAKI, Hitoshi MURAKAMI [39-39]
A Note on the Energy Transfer from Wind to Waves / Norihisa IMASATO, Hideaki KUNISHI [40-40]
On the Hydraulic Model Experiment on the Tidal Current in Matsukawa-Ura Bay / Haruo HIGUCHI, Masaaki TSUJI [41-41]
On the Local Flow Just Upstream of the Contraction of the Channel Section / Tadashi UTAMI [42-42]
On the Basic Characteristics of Turbulence in Free Surface Shear Flows / Hirotake IMAMOTO [43-43]
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/124817
出現コレクション:Vol.21 Pt.5


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