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タイトル: Some Problems of Seismic Data Processing. Part 2. Data Processing Techniques for the Detection and Analysis of P and S Waves of Local Earthquakes
著者: FURUZAWA, Tamotsu
発行日: Sep-1974
出版者: Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
誌名: Bulletin of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute
巻: 24
号: 3
開始ページ: 127
終了ページ: 145
抄録: The automated-analysis system for P and S waves of the local earthquakes obtained by the short-period system set up at the Amagase Crustal Movement Observatory are described. Firstly, as the basic knowledges necessary for automated analysis, the nature of noise, the frequency characteristics of P and S waves and the nature of particle motions are described. The system is composed of the determination of P onset, the determination of the directions of arrival and incidence of P waves, the determination of onsets of SH and SV waves and the computations of spectra of P, SH and SV waves. Onsets of P and S waves are determined by utilizing changes of both amplitude level and frequency between noise and signal. In the present method, it may be possible to determine the onset time of P wave with accuracy of ±0.05 sec for 90%, of local earthquakes with magnitude above 1.0. As for S wave, the onset time can be determined with accuracy of ±0.2 sec for about 90% of events of which the P onset time is defined.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/124846
出現コレクション:Vol.24 Pt.3


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