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タイトル: 西暦1853年に記録されたリュズ語の語彙
その他のタイトル: A study on the Lyuzu vocabulary recorded in 1853
著者: 池田, 巧  KAKEN_id
著者名の別形: Ikeda, Takumi
発行日: 25-Mar-2010
出版者: 京都大學人文科學研究所
誌名: 東方學報
巻: 85
開始ページ: 653
終了ページ: 672
抄録: We have two historical records on Lyuzu language, belonging to the Qiangic branch of the Tibeto Burman languages, made by western scholars who explored southwest China in the 19th century. They collected tens of words under the name of "Manyak" and "Menia" languages, but I found that in fact these lists were not records of the Mu nya language, but actually documented the Lyuzu language which has been spoken in the southern part of the Mu-nya district in Sichuan, China. In this paper I tried to identify the 186 words described by Hodgson (1853), one of the records by western scholars mentioned above, referring to field data collected by Prof. HUANG Bufan and myself. As a result, we found the features of the word data in Hodgson (1853) are very close to the Lyuzu Naiqu dialect that I collected. Up to 72% of the words corresponded exactly to each other, and some additional cognates were found in the other dialect collected in A Tibeto-Burman Lexicon (1853) by Prof. HUANG Bufan. So we can recognize Hodgson (1853) as a valuable historical record on the Lyuzu dialect spoken in Sichuan province.
DOI: 10.14989/131769
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/131769
出現コレクション:第85册 (創立八十周年記念論集)


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