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タイトル: 呉筠事跡考
その他のタイトル: A study of the biography of Wu Yun 呉筠
著者: 麥谷, 邦夫  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Mugitani, Kunio
発行日: 25-Mar-2010
出版者: 京都大學人文科學研究所
誌名: 東方學報
巻: 85
開始ページ: 243
終了ページ: 270
抄録: Wu Yun 呉筠 (?-778) was one of the most famous daoists in the Tang Dynasty who flourished during the reigns of Xuanzong 玄宗 and Daizong 代宗. He wrote important essays on Daoism including the Xuan' ganglun 玄綱論. However, his historical place in Tang Daoism has not been clarified because of the discrepant biographical records. In order to confirm his place in Tang Daoism, I have reconstructed his biography by evaluating existing as well as new records which relate to his activities.
DOI: 10.14989/131784
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/131784
出現コレクション:第85册 (創立八十周年記念論集)


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