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タイトル: Time-geographic Analysis on Natural Resource Use in a Village of the Vientiane Plain
著者: NISHIMURA, Yuichiro
著者名の別形: 西村, 雄一郎
岡本, 耕平
キーワード: daily activity
natural resource use
発行日: 31-Mar-2010
出版者: 京都大学東南アジア研究所
誌名: 東南アジア研究
巻: 47
号: 4
開始ページ: 426
終了ページ: 450
抄録: This study aims to describe the spatio-temporal aspects of rural daily lives based onnatural resource use. We developed new research methodologies using GPS and GIS tocollect person-trip data in regions where it is difficult to use questionnaires. By applyingthe methodology to research conducted in the Vientiane plain, Laos, we have found thatthis new methodology makes it possible to obtain detailed information about people's dailyactivities, specifically: what activities were carried out, at what time, where, and withwhom. The research site was Dongkhuwaai Village, Xaithany District, located about 30 kmby road from Vientiane. The villagers live traditionally, depending on rice crops in therainy season and use various natural resources. We analyzed their daily activities both inthe rainy season and in the dry season. As a result, we found that the daily activities of thevillagers had nature-related constraints. They spent all their time in the settlements andthere were no modern forms of time discipline (synchronized activity by householdmembers).We also investigated the influence of urbanization on rural lives. In recent years, agrowing number of foreign companies have begun investing in Vientiane and the vicinity, hoping to take advantage of low labor costs. Commuting to such factories has started fromDongkhuwaai Village. However, the number of commuters is not increasing becausevillagers already have other sources of income from selling natural resources such asaquatic products, mushroom, bamboo shoots, insects, firewood and so on.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/134511
出現コレクション:Vol.47 No.4


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