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タイトル: 連邦から見たポリスのアウトノミア--ボイオティア連邦の分析を通じて
その他のタイトル: The Boeotian Confederacy and the Autonomia of the Greek Polis
著者: 岸本, 廣大  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KISHIMOTO, Kota
発行日: 1-Dec-2009
出版者: 京都大学大学院文学研究科
誌名: 西洋古代史研究
巻: 9
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 31
抄録: 本稿の目的は, 古代ギリシアにおいて, 研究史上「自治」や「独立」の意味が想定されているポリスのアウトノミア概念の意味するところとその変遷を, 連邦を通して明らかにすることである。特に, ボイオティア連邦の形成から解体までの歴史全体を対象として, アウトノミアに関係する事例を抽出し, この概念の適用如何およびその意味を分析した。その結果, 当初ポリス間の関係を示す語ではなかったアウトノミアが, ペロポンネソス戦争前後の「独立」と「自治」の意味の対立を経て, 「大王の和約」を契機に「独立」の意味が確立したこと, しかし「普遍平和」条約の中で「独立」の意味が次第に有名無実化していき, コリントス条約で「自治」へと意味が変化したことを明らかにした。これは, 矛盾をきたしていた先行研究を整合的に解釈した新しい見解である。さらに, アウトノミアが認められる, 或いは侵害される状況から, より強い政治勢力がアウトノミアの示す状態を保障し, 或いは侵害するという構図を導き出した。
Autonomia has been interpreted as a concept which traditionally had a meaning of self-government of the Greek polis, though it also had a meaning of independence in certain contexts. Recently, however, M. H. Hansen proposed a different interpretation from the traditional one. According to his research and interpretation, autonomia originally had a meaning of independence, but after the treaty of "the King's Peace" of 386 B.C., it came to mean self-government. Analyzing the poleis belonging to the Boeotian Confederacy, Hansen argued that they did not have the status of autonomia, because they were controlled by a powerful polis, Thebes. In this paper, reexamining the cases of the Boeotian Confederacy from its foundation to its disorganization, the author tries to clarify the meaning of the changing concept of autonomia. The points of his detailed discussion are as follows : In the early stage of the Boeotian Confederacy, autonomia was probably not the term which referred to political relationships between Greek poleis. During the Peloponnesian War, however, its meaning changed and in the treaty of "the King's Peace" of 386 B.C. autonomia came to have a meaning of independence. In the course of the 4th century B.C., the meaning of autonomia changed again. We can find reference to this in the treaties named "Common Peace". Finally, in the Corinthian League, autonomia was identified as the concept of self-government. This paper revises both the traditional interpretation and Hansen's new one. The author hypothesizes on the structure of the Greek world: the condition of autonomia had always been secured under a stronger political power. This hypothesis suggests that autonomia was not a fundamental factor in the Greek polis.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/134851


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