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タイトル: 一心一徳考--清朝における政治的正當性の論理
その他のタイトル: A Consideration of the Phrase Yixin yide: The Logic of Political Legitimization in the Qing Dynasty
著者: 谷井, 俊仁  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: TANII, Toshihito
発行日: Mar-2005
出版者: 東洋史研究会
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 63
号: 4
開始ページ: 682
終了ページ: 718
抄録: Yongzheng-di, the fifth emperor of the Qing dynasty, frequently employed the compound yide yixin 一德一心. The phrase originates in the Classic of History where it was used to signify the unity of the mind and virtue of the sovereign and subjects. However his fondness for this term was not simply due to the fact it came from one of the classics, but that it corresponded with the traditional Manchu view of the sovereign. In Manchu there are expressions emu mujilen (one mind) and mujilen emu ombi (unity of minds) that signify the unity of people. When Yongzheng-di used the concept emu mujilen, he employed the expression from the Classic of History. That at the same time he also used the expression yixin yide 一心一德, which is not found in the classics, is proof of this. Based on the above, the author has confirmed the fact that Manchu word mujilen 心 is a key to understanding the logic of the Qing despotism. The general ethics was expressed by Manchu people with the phrase tondo mujilen i niyalma (correct minded people). It was Nurhaci who first consciously used the term for political legitimization. Thereafter, various Manchu rulers advocated their own logic of legitimization, but the concept of tondo mujilen i niyalma remained fundamental. Han ethical principles were also revised on the basis of Manchu thought, emphasizing mujilen and understanding. This study examines how the word mujilen was used from the time of Nurhaci to Yongzhengdi and illuminates the logic of political legitimization that was embedded there by the Manchu people.
DOI: 10.14989/138149
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/138149


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