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タイトル: 元代の命令文書の開讀について
その他のタイトル: On the Promulgation of Written Edicts ire the Yuan Period
著者: 舩田, 善之  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: FUNADA, Yoshiyuki
発行日: Mar-2005
出版者: 東洋史研究会
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 63
号: 4
開始ページ: 650
終了ページ: 681
抄録: The age of Qubilai was a turning point in the bureaucratic administration of Mongol rule that controlled the better part of Eurasia in the 13th and 14th century. While carrying on the system that he had inherited, Qubilai advanced the establishment of system of bureaucratic administration in one stroke by formalizing written edicts in the Mongol language, and a style of Chinese meta-phrased from Mongolian 蒙文直譯體, systemizing the 'Phags pa script, and establishing a system of instruction for language and writing. In other words, he constructed the unique bureaucratic administrative system of the Mongols in which the edicts of the qayan, called shengzhi 聖旨 in Chinese and Jarliɣ in Mongolian, which were uttered in Mongolian, crowned the hierarchy that encompassed the complex Chinese system of official documents. This study focuses on the act of promulgation, unsealing and reading out the edict, kaidu 開讀, an important step in carrying out bureaucratic administration. The act of kaidu dealt with in this study refers to the unsealing and proclamation of written words such as the qaɣan's edicts at their place of proclamation. In this study the fonn and procedures of the act of kaidu as well as its historical context have been considered, and the following matters have been clarified. The regulations of the ceremony and procedures of the promulgation of zhaoshe 詔赦 as the qaɣan's edict of amnesty was called in Chinese, have been verified, demonstrating that personnel well versed with the Jin system were involved at the stage of creation, and the contents generally mimicked those of the Jin of system. This type of system consolidation was a part of the nation building developed on a wide scale following the enthronement of Qubilai. I have made clear the specific aspects of the procedures of the ceremonial program of which the kaidu was a part, including the fact that personnel of the local government office 路總管府 would exit the city one day prior to the arrival of the emissary dispatched with the edict of amnesty or other sacred edict, escort him into the government office within the city to conduct the ceremony. At the same time, through the documents excavated at Qaraqota (Heicheng) I have been able to reconstruct the procedures of those who received the emissary. I have made clear as regards the procedures for disposition of the document that following the kaidu ceremony, that it had been proclaimed was recorded on the document, and that it was place in the jiageku 架閣庫, the official depository for official documents. Furthermore, I have indicated the issues and outlook for the future study as regards the place of the kaidu in a multi-lingual society and the bureaucratic administrative system.
DOI: 10.14989/138150
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/138150


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