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タイトル: 明代鄕村の敎化と裁判 : 申明亭を中心として
その他のタイトル: Public Instruction and the Village Elder's Jurisdiction in th Ming (明) Period
著者: 小畑, 龍雄  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: OBATA, Tatsuo
発行日: 25-Jul-1952
出版者: 東洋史研究会
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 11
号: 5-6
開始ページ: 423
終了ページ: 443
抄録: Emperor T'ai-tzu made the agricultural community set up a communal establishement called shen-ming-t'ing (申明亭) or ching-shant'ing (旌山亭) with a view to enhancing communal morales, and during the Hung-wu ere the function of administering justice as the lowest court of justice was authorized to this establisment with the village elder's as judges. The village elder's authority as a judge was defined in a decree and the government officials were enjoined to tresspass against the village elder's jurisdiction. But such a practice often resulted in bringing abuses, and the village elder's jurisdiction was repealed and taken over by the officials appointed by the governmet in the 9th year of the Ch'eng-hua era. It was in force only for 70 years or so.
DOI: 10.14989/138949
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/138949


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