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タイトル: ヴェトナム紅河デルタ・ニンビン省瑰池社の開拓史--國家と地方官、民との交渉再考
その他のタイトル: The History of the Agricultural Exploitation of Côi Trì Village in Ninh Bình Province in the Red River Delta of Vietnam: A Reconsideration of Relations between Local and National Officials and the Populace
著者: 八尾, 隆生  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: YAO, Takao
発行日: Mar-2008
出版者: 東洋史研究会
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 66
号: 4
開始ページ: 570
終了ページ: 601
抄録: During the reign of Thanh Tong, the fifth emperor of the Le dynasty, which had been established early in the 15th century, an administrative system was instituted and a highly uniform system of local administration was also created. In regard to the administration of land, the system of equitable distribution of rice fields based on public rice fields was likewise instituted and a policy of social equality was promoted. Despite this fact, the development of new rice fields was aggressively promoted. These efforts to exploit the land can be seen classified into three types based on the character of the developer, (1) powerful noble families who were associated with the founding of the dynasty, (2) government officials, and (3) ordinary farmers. The Coi Tri village in Ninh Binh province in the lower Red River delta was developed by the method known as Chiem xa which meant development by those from other provinces. In earlier studies it has simply been assumed that it was closely related to Hong Du'c banks, which were constructed in the area by the national government at the same time, however, the specific course of the development has not been made clear. On the basic of local sources written by the descendants of the developers, this study points out that the people secured many private rice fields even though they faithfully followed the government's Chiem xa method of development, that recruitment of new members was frequently conducted relying on blood and neighboring relationships built up over 30 years of the development process, and that some people who only saw it as a method of speculation participated although the aim of the method had been to aid people in poverty, and thus it did not exhibit the elements of a development project conducted on a national scale. Even though it is certainly true that the Hong Du'c banks ultimately made a great contribution to the development project, the development of rice fields here can be classified as of type (3). And despite this, the frequent acts of submitting reports from local officials, deliberations of the central government, the issuance of imperial decrees, surveys of villages by provincial authorities for the development of a single village can be seen as abuses brought about by the over concentration of power in the central government.
DOI: 10.14989/141874
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/141874


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