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タイトル: The Perception of Citizenship in the Indian Context: Response to Hodgson's Paper
著者: Ohara, Yuki
発行日: Dec-2009
出版者: Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University
誌名: The Self, the Other and Language (II) : Dialogue between Philosophy and Psychology
開始ページ: 153
終了ページ: 157
抄録: In response to Naomi Hodgson's Paper 'European Citizenship: Economy, Parrhesia and Sublimation', I will first summarize the important points Hodgson has argued. Then, I will try to develop the discussion of citizenship by taking India's case as one example of the Asian perception of citizenship to contrast it with what Hodgson has suggested as European citizenship. The idea of citizenship is shaped by which aspect of it one is looking at. In other words, citizenship can be explored and practiced individually, locally, regionally, nationally and globally. In this paper, I will first develop the discussion of citizenship by examining how education or development was perceived at the national level in the creation of the citizens of India in the post-colonial period. Then, I will explain how attention is paid to the individual and to one's moral and ethical relation to one's self by referring to the Bhagavad-Gita, the oldest and the most popular epic in India.
記述: Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium between the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University (Japan) and the Institute of Education, University of London (UK) : 28 February- 1 March 2009 Kyodai Kaikan Kyoto University
著作権等: The copyright of papers included in this paper belongs to each author.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/143009
関連リンク: http://www.educ.kyoto-u.ac.jp/gcoe/
出現コレクション:The Self, the Other and Language (II) : Dialogue between Philosophy and Psychology


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