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タイトル: 飽和砂層内における放射性核種の挙動に関する研究 (II) : 石英砂層カラムによる放射性無機陰イオンの破過曲線について
その他のタイトル: Studies on the Behavior of Radionuclides in a Saturated Sandy Layer (II) : The Breakthrough Curves of Radioactive Inorganic Anions through the Quartz Sand Column
著者: 福井, 正美  KAKEN_name
桂山, 幸典  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: FUKUI, Masami
発行日: 1976
出版者: 日本保健物理学会
誌名: 保健物理
巻: 11
号: 3
開始ページ: 193
終了ページ: 200
抄録: The sorption of some inorganic anions to Toyoura fine sand were examined by using single column experiments. Adsorption of C1 was weak but 5042- and PO43- were adsorbed extremely. The breakthrough curve of SO42- for Ca2+ saturated sand was similar to that of cation, though S042 was leached with deionized water. This means that the sorption phenomenon is based on not an ion exchange but a chemical reaction on solid phase. The adsorbed ion of PO43- on a fine sand was not leached with 10-3 N CaCl2 solution and distilled water. This irreversible phenomenon stems from that the ion pairs of PO43- as Ca3(PO4)2 or CaHPO4 are formed in solution and these colloidal particles or precipitates are filtered on fine sand. Iodine in solution consists of two soluble forms, one is nonreactive forms to fine sand, and another is tightly sorbed on the quartz sand. Thus, the behavior of anions is affected by various types of reaction, though it was not based on the ion exchange.
著作権等: Copyright© 日本保健物理学会
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/147055
DOI(出版社版): 10.5453/jhps.11.193
関連リンク: http://www.journalarchive.jst.go.jp/jnlpdf.php?cdjournal=jhps1966&cdvol=11&noissue=3&startpage=193&chr=ja


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