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タイトル: PSAグレーゾーン症例における前立腺針生検前MRI撮影の有用性に関する検討
その他のタイトル: Usefulness of MRI Prior to Prostate Needle Biopsy in PSA Gray Zone
著者: 佐倉, 雄馬  KAKEN_name
三品, 睦輝  KAKEN_name
増井, 仁彦  KAKEN_name
増田, 憲彦  KAKEN_name
加藤, 琢磨  KAKEN_name
伊東, 晴喜  KAKEN_name
吉田, 徹  KAKEN_name
相馬, 隆人  KAKEN_name
百々, 俊樹  KAKEN_name
中島, 諭  KAKEN_name
伊藤, 剛  KAKEN_name
奥野, 博  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Sakura, Yuma
Mishina, Mutsuki
Masui, Kimihiko
Masuda, Norihiko
Katoh, Takuma
Ito, Haruki
Yoshida, Toru
Soma, Takahito
Dodo, Toshiki
Nakajima, Satoshi
Ito, Tsuyoshi
Okuno, Hiroshi
キーワード: Prostate needle biopsy
発行日: Oct-2011
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 57
号: 10
開始ページ: 545
終了ページ: 549
抄録: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of prostate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we compared MRI findings with the results of biopsy as well as findings from specimens following total prostatectomy. The subjects consisted of 260 males who showed a prostate specific antigen (PSA) level in the gray zone (4 ng/ml ≤PSA <10 ng/ml) and also underwent digital rectal examination (DRE), transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), and MRI prior to prostate biopsy between April 2005 and December 2009. In Evaluation 1, the results of DRE/TRUS/MRI were compared with those of prostate biopsy. The biopsy-positive rate was higher in males positive in each examination. However, 24.8% of males negative in all examinations were biopsypositive. Thus, these examinations were considered to be inappropriate for secondary screening. In evaluation 2, the prostate was divided into 4 regions, and the findings from specimens following total prostatectomy were compared with MRI findings in each region. For the region containing prostate cancer, MRI showed a sensitivity of 26.0%, specificity of 98.3%, positive predictive value of 96.2%, and negative predictive value of 44. 4%. In patients with a Gleason score ≥7, cancer foci were more frequently detectable using MRI. MRI prior to prostate biopsy in patients in the PSA gray zone is inappropriate for secondary screening due to its low sensitivity. However, by virtue of its high positive predictive value, MRI is useful for determining patients indicated for biopsy, as well as DRE and TRUS. Accurate evaluation of the localization of all cancer lesions is difficult using MRI. However, when MRI findings are present, they frequently indicate the cancer lesion, which may be useful information for treatment.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2012-11-01に公開
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/149265
PubMed ID: 22089151
出現コレクション:Vol.57 No.10


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