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タイトル: 根治的膀胱全摘除術および一側並列尿管皮膚瘻造設術後早期の麻痺性イレウスの検討
その他のタイトル: Incidence and Risk Factors of Early Postoperative Paralytic Ileus after Radical Cystectomy and Cutaneous Ureterostomy with a Unilateral and Parallel Stoma
著者: 金, 哲將  KAKEN_name
佐野, 太一  KAKEN_name
富田, 圭司  KAKEN_name
瀧本, 啓太  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Kim, Chul Jang
Sano, Taichi
Tomita, Keiji
Takimoto, Keita
キーワード: Cutaneous ureterostomy
Radical cystectomy
Bladder cancer
発行日: Oct-2011
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 57
号: 10
開始ページ: 535
終了ページ: 538
抄録: To identify the incidence and risk factors for developing early postoperative paralytic ileus (POPI) after radical cystectomy and cutaneous ureterostomy with a unilateral and parallel stoma, we retrospectively reviewed 21 patients (mean age 73.0, 19 males and 2 females) with a minimum of 3 months of follow-up. POPI occurred in 4 patients (19.0%), who did not need surgical treatment and the insertion of a nasogastric tube. Age and past history of abdominal surgery influenced the occurrence of POPI. The patients with and without POPI had a mean age of 82.3±7.4 and 70.8±6.3 years old, respectively (p=0.0025), and 75.0% (3/4) and 11.8% (2/17) of the patients, respectively, had a past history of abdominal surgery (p= 0.0276). There were no significant differences between patients with and without POPI in any of the following factors examined : sex, body mass index, American Society of Anesthesiologists score, pT-category, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, preoperative serum levels of hemoglobin, creatinine, total protein, and albumin, operative time, blood loss, transfusion volume, stomal side, postoperative day of ambulation, and removal of epidural anesthesia tube. In conclusion, our results showed that increasing age and a past history of abdominal surgery were significantly associated with the occurrence of POPI after radical cystectomy and cutaneous ureterostomy.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2012-11-01に公開
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/149267
PubMed ID: 22089149
出現コレクション:Vol.57 No.10


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