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タイトル: Economic integration and trade deficit: A case of Vietnam
著者: Bui, Trinh
Kobayashi, Kiyoshi  KAKEN_id
Vu, Trung Dien
キーワード: Vietnam
trade deficit
output multiplier
import multiplier
input-output analysis
発行日: 21-Oct-2011
出版者: Academic Journals
誌名: Journal of Economics and International Finance
巻: 3
号: 13
開始ページ: 669
終了ページ: 675
抄録: This paper attempts to present a quantitative analysis in order to figure out the reasons of continuous increase of trade deficit in the last decade in Vietnam. After a long period of unceasing economic growth and macroeconomic stability, Vietnam has become one of the attractive investment destinations for many foreigner investors. However, the country starts to worry about its overall economic situation after overexciting the first half of 2007 when Vietnam officially joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in January the same year. The study explains output multiplier and power of dispersion on import, based on structure of the economy through input - output tables published by General Statistical Office and the Leontief and Keynes’ theories, aiming at helping policy-makers and planners to prioritize the key sectors and appropriate structure for the Vietnam’s economy. The study also introduces a comparison between the power of dispersion on import and the effective rate of protection in order to have the most appropriate economic policy with respect to the WTO’s commitments.
著作権等: ©2011 Academic Journals
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/150931
関連リンク: http://www.academicjournals.org/JEIF/


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