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タイトル: 後漢末の淸流について
その他のタイトル: On the Qing-liu 淸流 Party at the End of the Later-Han 後漢 Dynasty
著者: 東, 晉次  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Higashi, Shinji
発行日: 30-Jun-1973
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 32
号: 1
開始ページ: 28
終了ページ: 52
抄録: The so-called Dang-gu 黨錮 affair (the proscription of the literati) at the end of the Later-Han 後漢 period appears to have involved a conflict between the Qing-liu 清流 (Pure) party and the Zhuo-liu 濁流 (Turbid) party, and the suppression of the Qing-liu by the Zhuo-liu. The Qing-liu party consisted of bureaucrats, tai-xue-sheng 太學生 (imperial university students), jun-guo-xue-sheng 郡國學生 (provincial students), and rich men who behaved like you-xia 游俠的富豪. Most of them belonged to the great families. The local Qing-liu cliques were also led by persons who hailed from the great families. The Qing-liu aimed to maintain the great families' local control by the cha-ju 察擧 system, which had been established in the course of the Han period, and by monopolizing the Xiang-ju-li-xuan 郷擧里選 system and becoming bureaucrats. The Confucianism on which they based their criticism against the eunuchs, functioned as the ideology which assisted them in maintaining the cha-ju system whereby the relations between the state and the great families complemented each other. However, as the majority of the Qing-liu party hailed from the great families, which were contradictory to the Xiang-li 郷里 society of the Han period, the Qing-liu movement was after all not able to unite with the masses of Xiang-li society. This is the reason for their defeat and the appearance of recluse-like personages (逸民的人士) who aimed at solidarity with the masses in order to reconstruct the destroyed Xiang-li society of the Han period. The role of these recluse-like people was therefore to become important in the formation of the aristocracy of the Wei 魏 and Chin 晉 periods.
DOI: 10.14989/153504
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153504


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