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タイトル: 淸代東三省開發の先驅者 : 流人
その他のタイトル: Exiles : the Pioneers in the Development of the Dong-san-sheng 東三省 Provinces in the Qing 清 Period
著者: 楊, 合義  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Yang, H.Y.
発行日: 31-Dec-1973
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 32
号: 3
開始ページ: 281
終了ページ: 311
抄録: From the Shun-zhi 順治 reign to the middle of the Qian-long 乾隆 period--more than a century--exiles (liu-ren) were sent into the Dongsan-sheng provinces of the northeast. The banishment process can be divided into three stages according to its purposes. In the first stage, exiles were sent into the Liao-dong 遼東 district in order to put land under cultivation and rebuild fortresses. In the second stage, during the war with Russia, most of the exiles were sent to Ji-lin 吉林 and Hei-long-jiang 黑龍江 provinces to carry out military jobs including shipbuilding, logistic operations, and garrison duties. After the war, during the third stage, exiles became the slaves of officials, soldiers, and newly transferred bannermen stationed in Hei-long-jiang, or of government manors (guan-juang) in Liao-dong. They were engaged in agricultural work for the most part. By the middle of Qian-long, the number of exiles and descendents of exiles in Hei-long-jiang and Liao-dong is supposed to have reached 200, 000. Most of them remained where they were and constituted the principal nucleus of the population. Exiles brought Chinese culture into these regions, and cities soon came into existence. Merchants from the inner provinces visited the Dong-san-sheng provinces to trade with exiles and soldiers, and many people settled in the northeast after the exiles were established there. The Dong-san-sheng became a part of China by this process, so it is possible to conclude that exiles were the pioneers in the development of the northeast.
DOI: 10.14989/153525
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153525


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