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タイトル: 李朝初期における並作制成立の歴史的條件 (上) : 主として奴婢制から佃戸制への移行問題と關連して
その他のタイトル: A Historical Study of the Formation Process of the Sharecropping System (the Bung jakhansu 並作半収制, of the Yi Dynasty
著者: 金, 鴻植  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Kim, H.S.
発行日: 30-Sep-1974
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 33
号: 2
開始ページ: 256
終了ページ: 279
抄録: This paper examines the internal structure and character of relations between the feudal landlords and the tenants during the early Yi dynasty, in connection with the formation of the sharecropping system (bungjakhansu 並作半收) under which a rent of 50% was paid. Within this system the establishment of tenancy (佃戸制) and the alternative of slavery (奴婢制) went together hand in hand to create a turning point in the history of the Yi dynasty. It is to be noted, first, that there were already many dependent peasants in a form of slavery, in essence formally the same as tenant farming ; and the dependent slaves (外居奴婢) and the tenants introduced correlated changes into one another in the early period. It should not be forgotten that underlying this was always the law of historical movement which specifies that slavery is converted into tenancy. In consequence, the status system, and the public labour service (國役) as its direct expression, might be kept under control by the situation of the direct producer under the sharecropping system. The rent system of this period was indeed characterized by constant antagonism between public labour (military and professional, on the part of free persons) and private labour (私役), that is, the slave labor relationship between the Yangban 兩班 and the Sanobi 私奴婢. In short, this rent system arose out of the tendency of the tenantry to be drawn into the slave labour relationship, under patriarchal compulsion, and at the same time was advanced by the imbalance of the public labour system. The study of this phenomenon will be a major aid towards understanding the characteristics of the community which constituted a majority in the villages during the early Yi dynasty period.
DOI: 10.14989/153542
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153542


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