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Title: 明代の寄荘戸について
Other Titles: The Yi-zhuang Households 寄荘戸 in the Ming Period
Authors: 川勝, 守  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: Kawakatsu, Mamoru
Issue Date: 31-Dec-1974
Publisher: 東洋史研究會
Journal title: 東洋史研究
Volume: 33
Issue: 3
Start page: 370
End page: 393
Abstract: During the Ming landholding outside the prefecture or county where one was registered (or, at a finer level of distinction a bie-du 別都 or ta-du 他都 apart from the du 都 where the original registration was) was called yi-zhuang 寄莊, and the households involved appeared on the census registers as yi-zhuang hu 寄莊戸 ; apart from paying the tax grain on their lands, they were assessed for labor services (yao-yi 徭役, za-yi 雜役). An important point is that as ji-ling hu 畸零戸 the yi-zhuang hu were not considered as regular constituents of the li-jia 里甲 system, and were relegated to the periphery of the system. After the middle period of the Ming, yi-zhuang became a device for evading taxes and service obligations. and with expansion of exemptions for the local gentry, there came to be many gently and official households among the yi-zhuann hu. The taxation and corvee reforms in late Ming Jiang-nan 江南, the shi-tuan fa 十段法 and the jun-tian jun-yi fa 均田均役法, were basically responses to the development of gentry landownership and attempts to deal with the exemptions and special privileges of these local gentry, and the curtailment of exemptions for yi-zhuang hu was the cutting edge of the reform attempts. What made this possible was chiefly -- though the regional chauvinism of the local gentry was also important -- the intensification of the tenants' (dian-hu 佃戸) rent-resistance struggle during this period, which caused the gentry, their authority as landlords being menaced from below, to avoid being driven into a collision with the power of the state.
DOI: 10.14989/153560
Appears in Collections:33巻3号

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