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タイトル: 雍正期を中心とした淸代綠營軍制に關する一考察 : 特に營制・財政問題を中心として
その他のタイトル: The Green Standard Army (lu-ying jun 綠營軍) in the Yong-zheng 雍正 Period : Problems of Garrison Organization and Finances
著者: 大谷, 敏夫  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Ōtani, Toshio
発行日: 31-Dec-1975
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 34
号: 3
開始ページ: 389
終了ページ: 431
抄録: The Qing 清 dynasty, when it embarked on the conquest of China, relied for its existence upon the armies of the Eight Banners 八旗 and used these elite formations to maintain its military system ; the old Ming armies were reconstituted into the army of the Green Standard and deployed throughout the empire to supplement the banner armies. The Ming army had been, in theory, modelled on the T'ang fu-bing 府兵 militia: it was composed of soldiers from hereditary military households (jun-hu 軍戸) stationed in "guards and battalions" (wei-so 衛所) numbering as much as 300 throughout the country. With the establishment of the Qing regime, the guards and battalions which had been the core of the Ming military were, except for purposes of frontier defense and grain transport, amalgamated with prefectural and county administrations, and the newly constituted Green Standard army was transformed into a force of enlisted soldiers who needed to be fed and paid. There were a number of problems in the transformation of the guard-and-battalion system into the Green Standard system : broadly speaking, these included (1) the problem of the military structure as a whole which was generated by reforms of the garrison system, (2) problems of liquidating the military colonies (jun-tian 軍田) and the status category of military households which had been integral to the Ming army, and (3) the problems of financing the Green Standard army. With the establishment of the Qing regime there was slow progress towards solutions to these problems, but it was during the Yong-zheng reign that reforms were speedily put into effectand the Qing military system molded into its definitive form. This articleseeks to clarify the reforms of the Green Standard army principally during the Yong-zheng period, and also to examine some social and economic factors which militated against the secure establishment of this military system.
DOI: 10.14989/153595
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153595


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