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タイトル: 現存開元年間籍帳の一考察
その他のタイトル: A Study on the Existing Family Registers in Kai-yuan 開元 Era
著者: 池田, 温  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Ikeda, On
発行日: 30-Jun-1976
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 35
号: 1
開始ページ: 46
終了ページ: 83
抄録: In this article, I investigate the system for the family registration from the late seventh century to the mid-eighth century in Tang 唐 period, by reference to certain materials recently discovered in an old tomb of the Turfan basin and the registers in Japan in the beginning of the eighth century. Thus, I aim to make clear the actual conditions of the annual shou shi 手實, ji zhang 計帳 and mao ding 皃定, and the actual way of ranking of each family, which was practiced every three years. On the other hand, I modify partly the opinion of Mr. Shun Suzuki on the chronology of making registersin Tang 唐 period, and assume that the registers had been made in each year of the Ox, the Dragon, the Ram and the Dog from the start of Tang 唐 to the beginning of the twenties in Kai-yuan 開元 era, and then those practices were out of fashion in the twenties. In the existing registers in Dun-huang 敦煌 and Turfan, from the age of Ze-tian wu-hou 則天武后 up to the fourth year of Kai-yuan 開元, we find some conspicuous cases of the escape of the family-members and the false registration. Since the seventh or eighth year of Kai-yuan 開元, the enquiry of the family-members was promoted and the domicile of the family-members who had scattered before were put in order and in the ninth year of this era, there was a large-scale conscription of wei shi 衛士. Thus, through the existing registers, we find that the famous Kuo hu 括戸 policy by Yu wen-rong 宇文融 concentrated on the enquiry and arrangement of the registers and that policy obtained good results in the western district of China as well.
DOI: 10.14989/153612
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153612


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