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dc.contributor.author好並, 隆司ja
dc.contributor.alternativeYoshinami, Takashien
dc.contributor.transcriptionヨシナミ, タカシja-Kana
dc.description.abstractThe aim of removing the provincial men of influence to the environs of the Imperial mausoleum was not only to bring the order in circulation under the power of the former Han 漢 Government ,but also to cultivate the small landowning farmers as the basis of the State ruling by transferring those great landholders to the central area and breaking the base of the local powers. Those who were forced to remove--the various influencials of all ranks--included officials, highly titled persons and merchants, but to paraphrase economically, the financial standings of them were property of one million qian 錢 or land of more than 30 qing 頃. I must mention the difference between the official rank and the court rank, because among these immigrants there are two types, that is to say, high officials and highly titled persons. In the beginning of the former Han period, the official rank has a tinge of the centralization of power, while the court rank has a touch of the decentraliztion of power, because the former guaranteed estates and the latter guaranteed salaries. Roughly speaking, in those days, when battle was the order of the day, the government tried to concentrate powers by endowing the court ranks, but once the peace was recovered, they converted into the policy of establishing the order by the official ranks. But since the middle of the Han period, the court rank was attached importance to, as the result of the extention of powerful local families' influence and it became to show a permitted limit of the private landholding ; the system of court rank came to fulfill a function of controlling both the Emperor's ideal of centralization and the actuality of decentralization and of great landholdings by local influencials. We can see as its evidence that in Xian-tian-zhi 限田制 and Jun-tian-zhi-zhi 均田之制 at the end of the fomer Han, they used the system of court rank in the land planning.en
dc.title漢代皇帝支配秩序の形成 : 帝陵への徒遷と豪族ja
dc.title.alternativeThe Making of the Ruling System by the Emperors in Han 漢 Dynastyen
dc.typejournal article-
dc.type.niitypeJournal Article-
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
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