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タイトル: 宋代浙西の道民について
その他のタイトル: On Tao-min 道民 on the Che-hsi 浙西 Region in the Sung 宋 Dynasty
著者: 竺沙, 雅章  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Chikusa, Masaaki
発行日: 31-Dec-1977
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 36
号: 3
開始ページ: 398
終了ページ: 424
抄録: In the Southern Sung there was a religious group of half-priest, half-lay persons in the Che-hsi area known tao-min. They were regarded as a dangerous religious sect in the Southern Sung and often were restricted by the officialdom. Until now they have either been seen as followers of Manichaeism known ch'ih-ts'ai shih-mo 喫菜事魔 or as believers in the Po-yun 白雲 sect which was a heterodox Buddhist sect. Both theories are but deductions based on a memorial of 1198 or one of 1202 which quotes the former, while the real situation of the tao-min then was unclear. This essay makes use of tao-min materials as yet unintroduced which were recorded in the Wu-hsing chin-shih chi 吳興金石記 and the Chia-ho chih 嘉禾志. The tao-min were a group of construction workers who built such things as stone bridges and temples, and they received the patronage of the local Che-hsi authorities. It is clear that, even after their prohibition order was issued, they did not completely change and continued actively into the Yuan 元 dynasty. Furthermore, their active social situation in Che-hsi will be outlined, and we will show that half-priest, half-lay Buddhist believers similar to tao-min lived elsewhere in China and that such believers in fact supported the Buddhist activities at the time. Finally, we have deduced that while tao-min were not Manichaean and can be seen as followers of the Po-yun sect they were not its leadership stratum but rather a stratum of believers belonging to the larger Po-yun group.
DOI: 10.14989/153674
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153674


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