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タイトル: 一八九一年、熱河の金丹道蜂起
その他のタイトル: The Insurrection of Jindandao 金丹道 in Jehol in 1891
著者: 佐藤, 公彦  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Sato, Kimihiko
発行日: 30-Sep-1984
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 43
号: 2
開始ページ: 275
終了ページ: 309
抄録: The 1891 insurrection of religious societies centering around the ideas and organization of Jindan dao, which erupted north of the Great Wall, represents one part of the high tide of anti-Christian movement in modern Chinese history, together with the missionary cases of the same year in the Changjiang River valley. In the course of the Qing dynasty, more and more Chinese had gone to live north of the Great Wall with the Mongols. Most of them became tenant peasants, who were under the control of the Mongol rulers and Lamaistic temples. While this area had already seen plenty of rent resistances and land tax resistances around the time of the Taiping Rebellion, from the beginning of the Guangxu 光緒 era under the increased pressure of Mongol royalty and aristocracy, there developed several new popular religions among the immigrant Chinese. Besides Jindandao there were Wushengjiao 武聖教 (Jinzhongzhao 金鐘罩), --a syncretistic creed mixed of Qinglianjiao 青蓮教 and Baguaiiao 八卦教. Spreading rapidly they contained tremendous attraction for lonely and homeless people. Moreover, there was Zailijiao 在理教 which claimed to unify the three teachings, which also grew in influence very fast. Consequently these popular religious societies represented the general welfare of the people of the area, on the other hand, they gradually adopted a hostile attitude towards Mongol rulers and the church forces who bullied people on the strength of their political privilege. In 1891, 0n the 10th of the 10th month (11. November), Jindandao rose in rebellion with the slogan "In place of Heaven, practice the Way 道 : Expel the barbarians, destroy the Qing." Attacking Aohan 敖漢 Beizi official residence, they captured Chaoyang 朝陽 District. The followers of Zailiiiao began to destroy Catholic parishes, beginning with Sanshijiazi 三十家子 Church in Jianchang 建昌 District, under the motto "Worship Heaven, upset the tyrants, protect the state, save the people. Zailiiiaomen 在裏教門." The insurrection was the beginning of the joined fighting of Jindandao, Wushengjiao and Zailijiao. The governor-General of Zhi-li Li Hongzhang 李鴻章 and the Provincial Commander-in Chief Ye Zhizhao 葉志超 used telegraph and railway to order his troops Huaijun 淮軍 to the scene. Nevertheless the fighting lasted for more than a month. when the insurrection was fully under control. This insurrection was an anti-feudal struggle, and as for North East of China, it can also be evaluated as the initial stages of the national liberation movement that lead the Yihetuan Movement, anti-Russian and anti-Japanese struggle.
DOI: 10.14989/153947
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153947


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