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Title: 春秋載書考
Other Titles: A Study of the Zaishu 載書 (Covenant Documents) of the Spring and Autumn Period
Authors: 吉本, 道雅  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: Yoshimoto, Michimasa
Issue Date: 31-Mar-1985
Publisher: 東洋史研究會
Journal title: 東洋史研究
Volume: 43
Issue: 4
Start page: 605
End page: 637
Abstract: Zaishu are documents that were used in the Spring and Autumn period in the enactment of covenants 盟 (contracts binding by an imprecation imposing conditions). In the Zuochuan 左傳 there are two kinds of zaishu, 1) one which is read aloud by the covenant leader alone by which the leader binds the participants in the covenant (except himself) by imposing conditions on them by them by an imprecation and 2) one which is read aloud by every participant in the covenant in which every participant binds himself by imposing conditions on himself by an imprecation. In addition there is 3) another type of which has been excavated in Houma 侯馬 in Shanxi and in Wenxian 溫縣 in Henan. This type derives from type 2) and a development in the form of the document from type 1) through type 2) to type 3) can be as certained. The fact that such a development can be shown to have taken place is a reflection of the breakdown of the “cult community" (Kultgenossenschaft) of the Spring and Autumn period. In the cult community of this period type 1) zaishu were employed in the enactment of covenants in which the covenant participants took part in a subordinate way in offerings presided over by the covenant leader to specific deities.
DOI: 10.14989/153973
Appears in Collections:43巻4号

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