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タイトル: トゥグリル・ベクとカリフ・アルカーイムの外交交渉 : 文獻史料と貨幣史料より見た稱號問題
その他のタイトル: The Negotiations between Tughril Bek and the Caliph Al-Qā'im
著者: 清水, 宏祏  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: SHIMIZU, Kosuke
発行日: 30-Jun-1986
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 45
号: 1
開始ページ: 112
終了ページ: 135
抄録: In Arabic, Persian, and Syriac sources, there are differences concerning the beginning date and contents of the negotiations of Tughril Bek and the Caliph al-Qa'im. Above all, we are not yet sure when and how Tughril Bek came to hold the titles including Sultan. Now we can use the list of the Saljuqid coins edited by Coskun Alptekin as a supplementary material on the above mentioned subject. The earliest coin of Tughril Bek listed is a dinar striken in Nishapur in 433/1041-42. The title of him on it is al-Amir al-Ajall. The title al-Sultan first appears on Ray mint in 438/1046-47. Shahanshah is also used on it. According to the survey of the historical sources, 438 is the year of the first siege of Isfahan. In 442/1051, Tughril Bek made the second siege, and occupied there the next year. He sent an envoy to al-Qa'im expressing the gratitude for Khil'as and laqabs in 443/1051. So he put the title Sultan before it is confirmed by al-Qa'im. Shahanshah is also supposed to be a self-styled one. It was never admitted by the Caliph officially. We have evidences about the title Rukn al-Din and Malik al-Mashriq wa al-Maghrib. Those are given officially by the Caliph. The title Sultan al-Ajall is used as well as al-Amir al-Ajall on Nishapuri coins. Those does not appear in other coins of his era. Considering the fact that they lack the symbol mark of a bow and arrow, they have a unique peculiarity. One reason of this characteristics is that they were circulated all over the Eastern Islamic World.
DOI: 10.14989/154140
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154140


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