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タイトル: 泰山學派の末裔達 : 十二・三世紀山東の學藝について
その他のタイトル: The Descendants of the Taian 泰安 School
著者: 高橋, 文治  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: TAKAHASHI, Bunji
発行日: 30-Jun-1986
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 45
号: 1
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 37
抄録: Sun Fu 孫復 and Shi Jie 石介, who laid the foundations of Song 宋 learning, were active during the Northern Song in Shandong 山東, primarily in Taian 泰安. Their teachings, sustained by a mixture of their disciples' propagation and Shandong people's regional loyalty, continued to flourish for the next two hundred years, especially in Taian and Dongping 東平. During the Jin 金 period, from Dongping issued forth the famous Liu 劉 lineage, Huang Jiuyue 黄久約, and the father and son Zhao Que 趙愨 and Zhao Feng 趙渢is ; from Taian, Tang Huaiying 党懷英 and the Shi 石 family, and from Pingyin 平陰, Wang Qufei 王去非, Wang Quzhi 王去執, and Wang Chongyuan 王仲元. These disciples and others sustained the tradition of Sun Fu and Shi Jie. Moreover, the Dongping Prefectural School, the Taishan 泰山 Academy, and the Taian Prefectural School all may have played a role in maintaining the scholarly tradition of Song learning. The Sun Fu-Shi Jie tradition dwindled to an end in the person of Li Chang 李昶. Sun Fu's chunqiu 春秋learning had been transmitted by Li Chang's family and transmitted to him, but, at the beginning of the Yuan 元, he fell under the sway of the teachings of the two Chengs 二程 and Zhu Xi 朱熹. It is generally thought that most of the scholarship of the early Yuan in Dongping continued the Jin tradition of studying ci 詞 and fu 賦. However, this view is nothing more than the product of the group surrounding Song Zizhen's 宋子貞 temporarily gaming sway. Simultaneous with this development, the teachings of the Cheng brothers and Zhu Xi steadily penetrated Shandong. Thinkers who embody this trend are, before the rebuilding of the Dongping Prefectural School, Zhang Teli 張特立, Li Jian 李簡, and Liu Su 劉肅; and at the time of the rebuilding, Li Chang, Wang Pan 王磐, and Li Zhen李禎; and afterwards Li Qian 李兼, Wang xu 王旭 and others. Moreover, at this juncture, the Taishan Academy and Shrine to the Two teachers of Lu 魯 were taken over by Buddhist followers, and they lost their function as centers of Dongping learning.
DOI: 10.14989/154143
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154143


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