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タイトル: 明代巡撫制度の變遷
その他のタイトル: The Changes of the Grand Coordinator 巡撫 System during Ming Dynasty
著者: 奥山, 憲夫  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: OKUYAMA, Norio
発行日: 30-Sep-1986
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 45
号: 2
開始ページ: 241
終了ページ: 266
抄録: This essay will investigate the changes of the grand coordinator (xunfu 巡撫) system during the Ming dynasty, focusing on the increase in military power. It was not until the appearance of xunfushilang 巡撫侍郎 in the Xuande 宣徳 era that xunfu became resident local officials. After the Zhengtong 正統 era, censors-in-chief (duyushi 都御史) were often appointed xunfu. Their basic function consisted of finance, civil administration and supervision. Additionally, they managed military affairs especially army provisions. 0n the other hand, except xunfu, duyushi which were titled tidujunwu 提督軍務, canzanjunwu 參贊軍務, zanlijunwu 贊理軍務, xiezanjunwu 協贊軍務, zhenshou 鎭守, etc. were chiefly dispatched to the frontier. Tidujunwu-duyushi 提督軍務都御史, who typified them, not only handled military affairs, but also were given strong power of strategy. Under the emergency after 1449, there appeared xunfuduyushi 巡撫都御史 which had all the stronger power because of the mergence with the tidu 提督 on the northern and southern frontiers. Afterwards, xunfu, concurrently holding the post of tidu, gradually increased in number, with temporary alternation. During the Jiajing 嘉靖 and the Wangli 萬暦 era, not only frontier-xunfu, but also interior-xunfu came to hold the post of tidujunwu or zanlijunwu concurrently. Specially frontier-xunfu, with the power of finance, civil administration and supervision, commanded parade guards directly, and controlled officers including regional commanders (zongbingguan 總兵官). Judging from thier function, xunfu originated from frontier-xunfu in the Jingtai 景泰 era.
DOI: 10.14989/154151
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154151


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