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タイトル: 後漢時代の選擧と地方社會
その他のタイトル: Local Society and the Selection of Officials in the Later Han Period
著者: 東, 晉次  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HIGASHI, Shinji
発行日: 30-Sep-1987
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 46
号: 2
開始ページ: 263
終了ページ: 290
抄録: Previous research on the Han selection process has been done from the point of view of the central government. This essay attempts to research the system of "Local Recommendation and Selection" (Xiangjulixuan 郷擧里選) that took place in the local communities of the Later Han in relation to the structure of the aristocratic class whose power was expanding at that time. In short, the conclusion is that the group of people who can be called "literati" (shidaifu 士大夫), i.e. those who had a Confucian education and who came mainly from the aristocratic class, came into existence centered on the counties (jun 郡) developing first in the more advanced areas at the beginning of the Later Han and later in the less developed areas by the end of the Han. It is clear that this stratum of literati-aristocrats became the constituents of the local opinion that determined the character evaluation which was the criterion for selection. Moreover, this promoted the formation of a division within the aristocratic class between those who were "literati" and those who were not. From this, one can more clearly explain the dispute between the "Pure Faction" (qingliu 清流) and the "Muddy Faction" (zhuoliu 濁流) that appeared in the Proscribed Party Incident (Danggu shijian 黨錮事件) at the end of the Later Han. That is, one can understand the political antagonism of the literati officials versus the eunuchs and the non-literati local aristocrats who relied on the eunuchs.
DOI: 10.14989/154197
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154197


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