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タイトル: 『肇域志』の成立 : 明末經世學の一側面
その他のタイトル: The Background to the Compilation of Zhaoyuzhi 肇域志 : One Aspect of the Late Ming Statecraft Studies
著者: 大澤, 顯浩  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Ohsawa, Akihiro
発行日: 31-Mar-1992
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 50
号: 4
開始ページ: 589
終了ページ: 621
抄録: Zhaoyuzhi by Gu Yanwu 顧炎武, is a general geographical work, characteristic of the late Ming period. Although commonly regarded as a by-product of Tianxiajunguolibingshu 天下郡國利病書, it was indeed compiled independently. In contrast to statements found in literary geographical encyclopedic works such as DaMingyitongzhi 大明一統志, we can find statements relating to practical statecraft in some works from the late Ming period. Zhaoyuzhi icludes statements from the late Ming period works that emerged as a result of the criticism against the DaMingyitongzhi. Investigating the information in Zhaoyuzhi regarding comments on the local administrations and the number of administrative units in each county, it can be said that Gu Yanwu used material included in Huiji-yutubeikaoquanshu 彙輯輿圖備考全書, which was published in the Chong-zhen 崇禎 reign. Yet a whole series of practical works, which extended to the end of Ming dynasty, formed the background to the compilation of Zhaoyuzhi, Gu Yanwu excluded the references to well-known places and persons to which literary geographical encyclopedic works at that time still paid attention. He pursued historical accuracy based on the use of historical records, and gave consideration to the contemporary problems of each region. Zhaoyuzhi embodies this new approach, and surpasses any other work of the Ming period in respect of its positivism.
DOI: 10.14989/154383
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154383


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