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Title: 土木の變と親征軍
Other Titles: The TuMu 土木 Incident and the Imperial Expeditionary Force of YingZong 英宗
Authors: 川越, 泰博  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: KAWAGOE, Yasuhiro
Issue Date: 30-Jun-1993
Publisher: 東洋史研究會
Journal title: 東洋史研究
Volume: 52
Issue: 1
Start page: 24
End page: 55
Abstract: On 16 July 1449, only five days after an offense by the Oirat 瓦剌 Mongols, an expeditionary force led by the emperor YingZong was launched. While this expedition may seem hasty and extremely ill-organized, for the following two reasons, one may argue that the reason why the emperor was able to advance so quickly was due to adequate preparation. First, in addition to the capital rotational troops (banjunfanshangjun 班軍番上軍) which should have comprised the capital garrison 京營 the core of the imperial expeditionary force, there were also troops from other garrison units 衛所, unrelated to the capital garrison. included among the expeditionary force. Secondly, at the same time that the order to advance was given on 12 July, the equipment for the expeditionary force, arms for 800, 000 troops, and provisions for a month were made ready. The requisition of garrison officers and soldiers and the procurement of materials could not have been accomplished in a matter of days; a period of preparation was neccessary. The most important reason for this preparation seems to be that Wang Zhen 王振 wished for fame rivaling that of Zheng He 鄭和 and Yishiha 亦失哈, and that YingZong wished to match the achievements of the Yongle 永樂 emperor and his exploits against the Mongols.
DOI: 10.14989/154427
Appears in Collections:52巻1号

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