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タイトル: チンギス・カン家の通婚關係の變遷
その他のタイトル: Changes of Affinal Relationships of the Family of Činggis Qan
著者: 宇野, 伸浩  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: UNO, Nobuhiro
発行日: 31-Dec-1993
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 52
号: 3
開始ページ: 399
終了ページ: 434
抄録: The purpose of this paper is to analyze affinal relationships of the family of Cinggis Qan, applying the concept of "exchange of women" in structural anthropology and to show how the afiinal relationships changed for several generations. In the generation of sons of Cinggis Qan, Joci married Alci Noyan's daughter and Caɣatai married Alci Noyan's cousin's daughter. Alci Noyan was a leader of Unggirad tribe. The important point to note is that in this generation a sister-exchange marriage was made between Joci and Ciɣu who was Alci Noyan's son (figure 1). It means the establishment of a mutual marriage alliance between the two families. In the next generation, however, Ogodei's son Kucu married Alci Noyan's granddaughter Qataqas and Tolui's son Qubilai married Alci Noyan's daughter Cabui (figure 4, 6). This means that in place of Joci's and Caɣatai's families Ogodei's and Tolui's families formed a marriage alliance with the lineage of Alci Noyan. On the other hand, a lineage of Quduqa Beki who was a leader of Oyrad tribe expanded their affinal relationship with the family of Cinggis Qan. Quduqa Beki's daughter and granddaughters were married to Cinggis Qan's grandsons who were Batu, Qara Hulegu, Mongke, Hulegu and Ariq Boke. These marriages were based on a pattern of reciprocal exchange of women (figure 7). Under this situation Mongke Qan ascended the throne. He executed Qataqas, Alci Noyan's granddaughter, because she was a mother of his rival Siremun. During the reign of Mongke Qan the lineage of Alci Noyan reduced their power as affinal relatives of royal family and practically they maintained their affinal relationship only with Qubilai's family.
DOI: 10.14989/154461
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154461


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