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タイトル: 唐代の彈劾制度の變容について
その他のタイトル: Research on the Transformation of the System of Impeachment under the Tang
著者: 胡, 賓華  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Hu, Baohua
発行日: 30-Jun-1995
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 54
号: 1
開始ページ: 83
終了ページ: 104
抄録: The system of impeachment; under the Tang (Tanhe 彈劾) was significantly altered by the development of the policies of Jinzhuang 進狀 and Guanbai 關白. The policy of Jinzhuang required that before a Censor (Yushi 御史) could impeach, he must forward the plaint to the offices of the Secretariat (Zhongshusheng 中書省) and the Chancellery (Menxiasheng 門下省). The policy of Guanbai required that the Censor inform the Censor-in-chief (Yushi Daifu 御史大夫) and the Vice Censor-in-chief (Yushi Zhongcheng 御史中丞) before forwarding the plaint to the Secretariat and Chancellery. These two policies began in the third year of Jinglong 景龍 (709) of Emperor Zhongzong's 中宗 reign, and the twenty-second year of Kaiyuan 開元 (734) of Emperor Xuanzong's 玄宗 reign, respectively. Before the institution of the policies of Jinxhuang and Guanbai any Censor could directly impeach an official provided that. the Censor had discovered an official's action in violation of regulations. The primary purpose for the institution of the policies of Jinzhuang and Guanbai was to weaken the Censor's power of impeachment. After the period of the An-Shi rebellions 安史之亂, Emperors Suzong 肅宗 and Dezong 徳宗 attempted several times to abolish the policies of Jinhuans and Guanbai and similar policies, in order to restore the system of the previous Zhenguang 貞觀 period. However, the social changes that had occurred since that, time made this impossible. In sum, the transformations in the Tang system of impeachment are one reflection of changes in the nature of the power wielded by the Tang state.
DOI: 10.14989/154512
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154512


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