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タイトル: 三國時代における「文學」の政治的宣揚 : 六朝貴族制形成史の視點から
その他のタイトル: The Political Enhancement of "Literature" in the Three Kingdoms Period : From the Viewpoint of the Formative History of the Six Dynasties Aristocracy
著者: 渡邉, 義浩  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: WATANABE, Yoshihiro
発行日: 31-Dec-1995
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 54
号: 3
開始ページ: 411
終了ページ: 442
抄録: The Ming Shi 名士 class, comprising the intellectuals of the late Later Han and the Three Kingdoms period, maintained social authority by monopolizing cultural values. Among these cultural values, the ability to secure information through colleague societies, political factions that were based on the analysis of information, and the ability to stabilize political power by gaining the support of Haozu 豪族, were able to coexist with monarchical power. However, the close comradeship that characterized the societies of the Ming Shi class, and their evaluation of a person and claim to hold exelusive possession of Confucian values, gave rise to conflicts with monarchical power. When Cao Cao 曹操 developed a powerful adversary in the person of Yuan Shao 袁紹 and needed the unqualified support of the Ming Shi, the intimate relationship between Cao Cao and Xun Yu 荀彧 could continue as Xun Yu was the representative of the Ming Shi class and their purposes coincided. A conflict arose, however, when Cao Cao attempted to establish monarchical rights, monopolized the right of personnel management and Fa-shu zhu-yi 法術主義, and acted against Confucian values by enhancing "literature" with the overthrow of Yuan Shao. The collapse of their relationship was decided by Cao Cao's installation as Wei-gong 魏公. Cao Cao established "literature" as a new standard of cultural values, to replace the priority of the concept of the "Confucian state" that had served as the center of values during the Later Han. Compared to the concept of the Confucian state, the concept of "literature" is a cultural value that embodies more prominent subjective factors. Therefore the concept of "literature" as a central cultural value was effective as a new standard of cultural value to be used in opposition to the Ming Shi class, who formed colleague societies based on Confucian values. However, the colleague society of the Ming Shi was firm, and as Cao Pi 曹丕 struggled for leadership position against the literarily talented Cao Zhi 曹植, Cao Pi gradually began to regain respect for Confucian values. Moreover, the fact that Cao Pi's sovereignty was justified by Confucian values made clear the superior position of Confucian values over "literature". As a consequence, Confucian values were used as a standard of promotion for talented members in the Jiu-pin Guan-ren-fa 九品官人法, which was established in the period of change from Han 漢 to Wei 魏. Thus, the colleague societies of the Ming Shi class came to form an aristocracy supported by Confucian values.
DOI: 10.14989/154540
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154540


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