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タイトル: 元朝江南行臺の成立
その他のタイトル: The Establishment of Jiangnan Regional Censorates 江南行臺 in the Yuan Dynasty
著者: 堤, 一昭  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: TSUTSUMI, Kazuaki
発行日: 31-Mar-1996
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 54
号: 4
開始ページ: 653
終了ページ: 684
抄録: In the latter half of the thirteenth century the Yuan Dynasty unified China after a one hundred and fifty-year period of division. To date, the study of Yuan rule in South China has been inadequate. This paper is intended as an investigation of the institution of Yuan rule in South China. It concludes the following: 1. After the fall of Xiangyang 襄陽 in 1273, the armies that advanced to the areas held by the Southern Song consisted of four corps. Moreover, Seng'u 相威, from the family of the prince of the realm 國王 of the Jalair tribe, functioned as the commander of the Wutouxia 五投下 corps, which was one of these four corps. After the fall of Lin'an 臨安 and Yangzhou 揚州 in 1276, the commanders of the four corps made an advance against the rebellions of the Sirigi and others in Mongolia and the Western borderlands of the Yuan Dynasty. Lower-ranked generals of the armies remained in South China and formed four regional secretariats 行中書省. Among the commanders, only Seng'u returned to South China and established the Jiangnan regional censorates at Yangzhou in 1277. 2. Jiangnan regional censorates consisted of two parts. One part was the Chinese office. It was responsible for the inspection of all officials, including ministers of regional secretariats, in South China. The other part consisted of the Wutouxia corps, responsible for suppressing rebellions in South China. Seng'u controlled both of these sections. 3. Based on the following three factors, it becomes evident that the Jiangnan regional censorate functioned as the supreme department of the Yuan Dynasty in South China. (1) Only the Jiangnan regional censorate, among all offices in South China, was responsible for the supervision of the whole area of South China. (2) Seng'u held a much more important place in the Qubilai Administration than did any of the generals who formed the four regional secretariats in South China. (3) Among the commanders of the armies which advanced into the areas held by the Southern Song, only Seng'u returned to South China.
DOI: 10.14989/154550
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154550


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