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タイトル: 北宋期荊湖路「渓峒蠻」地開拓について
その他のタイトル: The Cultivation of the Qidongman 渓峒蠻 Region in Jinghu 荊湖路 Circuit During the Northern Song Dynasty
著者: 上西, 泰之  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: UENISHI, Yasuyuki
発行日: 31-Mar-1996
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 54
号: 4
開始ページ: 610
終了ページ: 652
抄録: This paper is an inquiry into the cultivation of the tribal land in Jinghu circuit during the Northern Song Dynasty. At this time, non-Han peoples inhabited the region of Meishandong 梅山峒, located at the western border of Tanzhou 潭州 and Shaozhou 邵州. In the early Song period, the government adopted a policy which forbade the Han peoples to cultivate the border between Han and native territories. However, the Song state was unable to entirely restrain Han peoples from emigrating to the frontier. During the Jiayu period 嘉祐, local officials recommended adopting a policy of annexing territories. Subsequently, the Song government decided to enact the expansionary policies from the early 1070's. The native Yang 楊 clansmen were the political leaders in haltered-and-bridled Chenghuizhou 誠徽州, the territories of which were located at the upper Yuan River 沅水 basin, the so-called tuandong 團峒. In this area, the Song government promoted expansionary policies during the Yuanfeng 元豐 period as a means to suppress the formation of bands of followers supporting local leaders. As a result of these policies, the local fiscal administrations were forced to shoulder most of the burden of increased military costs. Consequently, the influence of these leading clansmen was preserved in this area. After the success of these expansionary policies, the Song government built both Buddhist temples and schools in these frontier areas. In consideration of the extent of the local power wielded by the Yang clansmen these educational policies were effective especially in contributing to the sinicization of these clansmen's sons.
DOI: 10.14989/154551
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154551


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