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Title: 唐代府兵制の再檢討 : 折衝府の歴史地理的分析
Other Titles: A Re-Examination of the Fu-Bing System 府兵制 in the Tang Period : A Historical and Geographical Analysis of Zhe-Chong-Fu
Authors: 愛宕, 元  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: OTAGI, Hajime
Issue Date: 31-Dec-1997
Publisher: 東洋史研究會
Journal title: 東洋史研究
Volume: 56
Issue: 3
Start page: 493
End page: 521
Abstract: The zhe-chong-fu 折衝府, which supported the Tang fu-bing system, numbered more than six hundred and were scattered throughout the country. They were, however, concentrated at specially fixed sites. If we examine the individual zhe-chong-fu in their historical and geographical detail, we find that many of them were established at fortresses built at strategic points during the period of warfare from the division of the Bei-Wei 北魏 to the founding of the Tang empire. We also find that the function of the zhe-chong-fu was not only concerned with the draft, drill and rotating capital guard, but in addition they served as military bases from which to carry out the daily rule of law.
DOI: 10.14989/155153
Appears in Collections:56巻3号

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