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タイトル: 明末の文人李日華の趣味生活 : 『味水軒日記』を中心に
その他のタイトル: On Artistic Taste of Li Ri-hua 李日華 : An Intellectual of the Late Ming as Seen from His Wei-Shui-Xuan Ri-Ji 「味水軒日記」
著者: 井上, 充幸  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: INOUE, Mitsuyuki
発行日: 30-Jun-2000
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 59
号: 1
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 28
抄録: Li Ri-hua, one of the typical intellectual in the late Ming, together with Dong Qi-chang 董其昌 were equally admired as connoisseurs of objets d'art and curios. Li's diary, Wei-Shui-Xuan Ri-Ji covers the years 37-44 of Wan-li 萬暦 (1609-1616), and by this we can observe his daily life in his hometown, Jia-xing 嘉興. This article attempts to examine the artistic taste of the intellectual and hence the cultural activities in those times by referring to the appreciations of arts like calligraphy, painting, ink slab, porcelain and all sorts of antiques described in this diary. Accordingly, appreciation and collection of objets d'art had originally been a personal taste of the intellectual, but had a vogue up to the late Ming. In those times, especially in the Jiang-nan region 江南, many collectors who flaunted their considerable collections of arts appeared. Xiang Yuan-bian 項元汴, his relative, Wang Ji-mei 王繼美 and his son, Wang Ke-yu 王砢玉 were typical ones. They had been living in Jia-xing for generations, and Li Ri-hua was able to appreciate many obiets d'art through companionship with them. With rapid economic development, the intellectual and even common people got absorbed in appreciation and collection of objets d'art in those days. As objets d'art became commodities and were widely traded, there was a sharp rise in demand for them, and their prices went up finally. At the same time, forgeries were produced in large quantities, so it became quite difficult to discriminate between the genuine and the fake. According to the diary, Li Ri-hua, as a famous connoisseur, was often asked to authenticate various objets d'art and curios and set prices for them. Besides, the article also discusses the relationship between "Shan-re" 山人 and the intellectual. "Shan-ren" were newly-risen intellectuals in the late Ming, who lived by their knowledge and skills and did not engage in any official position. "Wen-ren" 文人 had originally referred to the so-called "Shi-da-fu" 士大夫, but when some of the "Shan-ren" were regarded as the typical intellectual in the late Ming, the dividing line between the "Wen-ren" and the "Shan-ren" became ambiguous. Li Ri-hua was able to lay his academic foundation under the influence of the typical "Shan-ren" such as Zhou Lu-jing 周履靖 and Chen Ji-ru 陳繼儒 in those times. However, he had been trying to act as the most eminent intellectual without doing the job of making or appraising arts since he had become an official.
DOI: 10.14989/155338
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/155338


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