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タイトル: 元代の儒學提擧司 : 江浙儒學提擧を中心に
その他のタイトル: The Supervisorate of Confucian Schools in the Yuan Dynasty : Focusing on the Supervisor of Confucian Schools in Jiangzhe Province
著者: 櫻井, 智美  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Sakurai, Satomi
発行日: 31-Dec-2002
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 61
号: 3
開始ページ: 459
終了ページ: 488
抄録: This article considers the post of Supervisorate of Confucian Schools 儒學提擧司, which bore the responsibility of managing regional schools during the Yuan dynasty, by examining the example of Jiangzhe. First, I carefully analyze what sort of person would have been named Supervisor of Confucian Schools 儒學提擧 and further proceed to examine the relationship to other organizations, employing the noted example of the activities of the Supervisor of Confucian Schools of Jiangzhe. The following four points have been clarified by this study. Firstly, taking all those appointed Supervisor or Vice-Supervisor 副提擧 of Confucian Schools together (including those whom were only recommended or nominated to the posts), there were a total of 188 people, 125 of whom were named Supervisor, and sixty-three Vice Supervisor. Of these, 140, or seventy percent, were appointed in the three provinces of Jiangzhe, Jiangxi, and Huguang. In other words, the Supervisorate was in practical terms operated in these three provinces. Furthermore, the number of these officials who had come from the same three provinces numbered 134, and thus the percentage of native-born officials appointed in their own province was very high. This tendency is at odds with general trend for officials. Secondly, there was mutual interchange between the Supervisors and Vice-Supervisors and both the central Hanlin Historiographic Academy 翰林國史院 and the Directorate of Education 國子監. Furthermore, the Supervisorate of Confucian Schools might correspond directly with the central Directorate of Education and the Academy of Scholarly Worthies 集賢院. Although posted in the provinces, these officials were capable of fully recognizing the intent of the center and also upholding policies linked to the central government. Thirdly, the Supervisorate played a central role in government led printing activities in the provinces. During the period of heightened cultural activity, including publishing, which occurred from the Yuantong through the first of the Zhiyuan eras, the Supervisorate was actively involved in such activities, particularly in Hangzhou. Fourthly, the fact that natives of the province were chiefly employed in the local administrative offices was exceptional, and they maintained firm links with the Surveillance Commission 監司, regardless of the provincial government to which they were attached. Through its social and cultural activities of constructing schools, publishing, and promoting talented people, the Supervisorate was situated in a position supporting the formation of culture in the provinces during the Yuan dynasty together with the organs of state supervision.
DOI: 10.14989/155442
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/155442


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