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タイトル: 明末淸初の徽州における宗族と徭役分擔公議 : 祁門縣五都桃源洪氏を中心に
その他のタイトル: Public Discussions on the Division of Corvee Labor and the Clan in Huizhou in the Late-Ming and Early-Qing Periods : Focusing on the Taoyuan Hong of Wudu in the Qimen District
著者: 洪, 性鳩  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Hong, Xingjiu
発行日: 31-Mar-2003
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 61
号: 4
開始ページ: 585
終了ページ: 619
抄録: During the course of the evolution of kinship systems in China, the period of the late-Ming and early-Qing dynasties witnessed the appearance of the most highly developed kinship organization ever seen in China. In the southern region centered on Jiangnan 江南, genealogical tables, which were symbols of consanguineous unions, were frequently compiled during this period. Recorded within these compilations were rules for household etiquette, called jiafa 家法, zonggui 宗規, etc. These rules often emphasized that "the national tax should be faithfully paid." It is thought that these rules essentially reflected the kinship organization's rising authority and the role of the kinship organization within the national tax system during this period. In this study, accounts of the decisions of the village council of Taoyuan Hong 桃源洪 of Huizhou-fu 徽州府 Qimen-xian 祁門縣 were analyzed in order to explain the relationship between the compulsory tax system and the kinship organization. The transcript, as a record of the results of the villagers' decisions on how the various forms of corvee labor, yaoyi 徭役, which were levied by the state, were to be borne by the citizens, is a rare find in that it is pertinent in examining the kinship organization's role under the lijiazhi 里甲制, system of community taxation. The following points have been confirmed as result of the examination of the village records of the clan. First, members of the Taoyuan Hong clan were the descendants of Hongjunxiang 洪均祥, who had moved to Huizhou-fu, Qimen-xian, Zeshucun 檡墅村 during the period from the close of the Yuan to beginning of the Ming dynasties. The descendants of the first and second sons of Hongjunxian formed separate branches of the kinship organization, which were known as the Xianggong-fang 相公房 and Shougong-fang 壽公房 respectively. A functioning zonghu 總戸 general household, was formed from these branches and was a tax-paying unit within the lijia system. Secondly, as a result of the examination of the records of the Taoyuan Hong regarding payments in lieu of yaoyi, a just burden was determined according to the individual citizen's capacity, as was the case in the payment of the jintieyin 津貼銀. In addition, concerning the actual labor, shiyi 實役, the burden was not determined mechanically, but the amount of the burden was allotted only after the weight of the year's total tax was taken into account. Also, the tax of members of a branch was reduced whenever possible, and priority was given to payment of the tax by joint-shouldering of the yaoyi. This sort of payment technique signifies that the basic conditions, the group's centripetal tendency and the fairness of the payments decided within the group were guaranteed internally by the zonghu's unbiased views and fair treatment. As a final point, in respect to the aspect of the relationship between the kinship organization and the nation, the nation's intent to enforce the zhangliang 丈量, the measurement of taxableland, was first conveyed to the two branches of the Taoyuman-hong clan, i.e., the Xianggong-fang and Shougong-fang. These two branches then launched into concrete talks within their respective groups about how to shoulder the tax among themselves in accordance with the agreement of the two branches. Moreover, it can be seen from the transcripts of the election of the duzhang 都長 and the leader of the tuanlian 團練, i.e., the xiangzong 郷總 and the lianfu 練副, the intent of the state was first notified to the lijia, and it was debated by the four xiangyue 郷約, communities organized by compact, which were based on four natural villages, that formed a single unit, the administrative entity called Wudu 五都. However, at the same time, the xiangyue at Zeshucun, the 檡墅約, was a xiangyue constituted of the Taoyuan Hong. As a result, it has become clear that the clan and the state were directly linked because the lijia organization and the xiangyue were formed from the kinship organization.
DOI: 10.14989/155452
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/155452


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