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dc.contributor.author毛利, 英介ja
dc.contributor.alternativeMORI, Eisukeen
dc.contributor.transcriptionモウリ, エイスケja-Kana
dc.description.abstractThis article explores the origins of negotiations initiated by the Khitai (Liao) to settle the border between the Khitai and Song in what is today Shanxi 山西 province during the years 1074-76. Most previous studies have dealt with the negotiations from the perspective of particular individuals, e.g., Wang Anshi and Shen Kuo. This has resulted in Song-biased understandings of the negotiations being biased as they have been made from the Song point of view. This study thus attempts to address the imbalance by viewing the negotiations from the Khitai point of view. The first section of the articles, examines the history of the establishment of the border in the disputed territory that had been created by the cession of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun by the Later Jin to Khitai prior to the commencement of negotiations. I focus on Tian-chi Lake as representative of the disputed territory. Prior to the start of the negotiations, there were two distinct periods, first, the establishment of a forbidden area as a buffer zone by the Song, followed by their resumption of activities in the territory. The second section of the study deals with several points not fully addressed in the first section. The first point is the importance of the disputed territory itself as a strategic location and as a particularly fertile area for grazing. The second point involves the existence of one of the powerful Khitai 乙室部 tribes who used the disputed territory as their grazing land. This was the Yishibu tribe that ranked second only to the tribe that included the Khitai imperial family. The third point concerns the issue of political infighting within the Khitai royal court. The period witnessed the spread of fighting between the factions around the crown prince and Yelu Yixin 耶律乙辛. Those who participated in the negotiations were from the crown prince's faction. I have, moreover, confirmed that within the faction of the crown prince were members of the Yishibu. Based on the above findings, it may be concluded that the negotiations on the broad issue of the re-opening of Song borderlands were also an integral part of political infighting that involved powerful tribal groupings in the Khitai royal court.en
dc.title一〇七四から七六年におけるキタイ(遼)・宋閒の地界交渉發生の原因について : 特にキタイ側の視點からja
dc.title.alternativeA Consideration of the Origins of the Territorial Negotiations between the Song and the Khitai (Liao) in the years 1074-76, Focusing on the Khitai Point of Viewen
dc.typejournal article-
dc.type.niitypeJournal Article-
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
dcterms.alternative一〇七四から七六年におけるキタイ(遼)・宋間の地界交渉発生の原因について : 特にキタイ側の視点からja
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