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タイトル: Finding Euroscaptor mizura (Mammalia : Insectivora) and Its Nest from under Hebeloma radicosum (Fungi : Agaricales) in Ashiu, Kyoto, with Data of Possible Contiguous Occurrences of Three Talpine Species in This Region
著者: SAGARA, Naohiko
OTA, Hidetoshi
ITSUBO, Toyoaki
OKABE, Hiroaki
著者名の別形: 相良, 直彦
小林, 秀司
太田, 英利
井坪, 豊明
岡部, 宏秋
キーワード: Euroscaptor mizura
Hebeloma radicosum
Mogera wogura
Mogera kobeae
発行日: 20-Sep-1989
出版者: 京都大学教養部生物学教室
誌名: Contributions from the Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University
巻: 27
号: 3
開始ページ: 261
終了ページ: 272
抄録: We examined nests and other traces of moles in Ashiu, Kyoto, beneath fruit bodies of a mushroom species, Hebeloma radicosum, which grows on the underground latrines of small mammals. We also attempted to catch animals at nesting sites which were detected through the fungal fruiting. As a result, an adult specimen of a talpine mole species, Euroscaptor mizura, was collected together with its nest. This is the first record of E. mizura from Ashiu region. Also, this is the first report of the nest of E. mizura, of the mushroom-mole nest association in H. radicosum and E. mizura, and of the capture of a mole at the nesting site under indication of the fungus. Morphological features of the animal and structure of the nest are described. This finding further revealed a contiguousness in the distribution of three talpine species, E. mizura, Mogera wogura and Mogera kobeae in Ashiu.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/156091
出現コレクション:Vol.27 No.3


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